Is love the same as fear?

Is love the same as fear?

Fear and love are indeed two sides of the same thing—or, if you want to be all scientific about it, they’re governed by the same hormone, oxytocin. Mostly oxytocin’s been associated with love. It turned out that that oxytocin caused the mice to act more fearful.

Does love come from fear?

On the surface, love is a positive emotion that fosters a connection between people, whether they are parents, lovers, friends or family of any kind. Fear, on the other hand, does exactly the opposite. Yet, love often gives rise to fear, and fear has been known to give rise to love as well.

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How do you choose love over fear?

Choosing love over fear means:

  1. You choose to stop beating yourself up, accept that you too are human, and show yourself compassion.
  2. You choose to accept your struggles as opportunities for growth and change.

Is it better to lead with fear or love?

Niccolò Machiavelli was a political theorist from the Renaissance period. In his most notable work, The Prince, he writes, “It is better to be feared than to be loved, if one cannot be both.” He argues that fear is a better motivator than love, which is why it is the more effective tool for leaders.

Is faith the opposite of fear?

Faith is the antidote of fear. Doubt is the opposite of faith. But sometimes, fear is caused by doubt. Thus, the LORD sometimes tell us to “fear not” or “be not afraid”, which also means trusting in Him, about 80 times in the Bible.

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Is hatred the opposite of love?

Love and hate — they aren’t opposites, and it’s not a zero sum game where the more of one means the less of the other. Both feelings can stir, as they inevitably do. That may be key: whether moments of positivity (“I cherish her” or “I admire her”) significantly outweigh moments of negativity (“I hate him”).

Is anger the opposite of love?

Some people regard it as bad or immoral and feel that becoming angry makes them a bad person. Others believe that anger is the opposite of love and feel that expressions of anger have no place in a close personal relationship. In truth, it is not bad or mean to be angry. Angry feelings are neither right nor wrong.

What are some Bible verses about fear?

30 Bible Verses about Fear – KJV. For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. Be strong and of a good courage, fear not, nor be afraid of them: for the Lord thy God, he it is that doth go with thee; he will not fail thee, nor forsake thee.

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What is the opposite of Love in the Bible?

The opposite of love is hate and selfishness. In theological talk it is the root idea in “sin.” But not all sin is due directly to the influence of Satan or his demons.

What is the opposite of fearful?

Fear is an emotion that tend to avoid certain things, whether the object is unknown or the subject fully understand what aspect made the source fearful. Therefore, the opposite of fear is attraction or fascination.