Is popped sorghum better than popcorn?

Is popped sorghum better than popcorn?

The tiny kernels of popped sorghum are easy to make and have a slightly sweeter flavor than popcorn. Sorghum has a wonderful nutritional profile, making this a healthy, whole grain snack. Top with your favorite popcorn toppings or check out our Pinterest board for some inspiration.

Is popped sorghum good for you?

It’s incredibly nutritious boasting 20 grams of protein, 12 grams of fiber, 48 percent RDA iron, and 4 percent RDA calcium per one-cup serving. Popped sorghum is a very popular treat in India, called jowar dhani.

Is sorghum popcorn good for you?

Sorghum is a nutrient-packed grain that you can use in many ways. It’s rich in vitamins and minerals like B vitamins, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, iron, and zinc. It’s likewise an excellent source of fiber, antioxidants, and protein.

Is sorghum similar to popcorn?

Popped sorghum is a popular snack in India, where it is called jowar dhani. It’s similar to popcorn but is much smaller. This recipe can be found on our bags of Whole Grain Sorghum. Not recommended for use in an air popper.

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What is a good substitute for popcorn?

Although popcorn is usually the movie night snack of choice, corn is not the only whole grain you can pop. Yep, that’s right people. Ancient grains like amaranth, barley, buckwheat, quinoa and sorghum can all be popped and enjoyed as popcorn alternatives.

What can I eat instead of popcorn?

If you prefer your snacks unpopped, check out this collection of our top 10 non-popcorn movie night snack ideas.

  • Chips. Chips are a grab-and-go classic when you’re craving something crunchy and salty.
  • Nachos.
  • Pretzels.
  • Cookies.
  • Fruit.
  • Popcorn Chicken.
  • Dips.
  • Pinwheels.

Why is sorghum bad for you?

The biggest health risk of sorghum is tied to its potential as an allergen. Allergies associated with grasses and grass pollen are extremely common. Unfortunately, Sorghum is a grass and is known to produce an allergic reaction in some people.

What is a healthy alternative to popcorn?

10 Completely Satisfying Whole30 Popcorn Alternatives

  • Cauliflower Popcorn. It may not be popcorn, but cauliflower popcorn is pretty dang good and super easy to make.
  • Green Bean Fries. I love vegetable fries.
  • Chomps.
  • Kale Chips.
  • DIY Trail Mix.
  • Seaweed Chips.
  • Coconut + Chocolate Protein Balls.
  • Apple Chips.
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Can you pop sorghum in a popcorn popper?

Turn your hot air popper off and sorghum kernels in a volume that is appropriate for your hot air popper. Turn the hot air popper on and listen for the sorghum to start popping. When popping slows to once every five seconds or so, turn the machine off and dump the popped sorghum into a bowl.

Is popping sorghum the same as regular sorghum?

Yes, popped. It’s nearly identical to popcorn in taste and texture and is about ⅓–½ the size of a popped kernel of corn. Also known as jowar dhani, popped sorghum is a popular snack in India. It’s fun, it’s different, and it’s cute, so I’m on board.

What grain can be popped like popcorn?

Barley, rice, quinoa, amaranth – you name it – can be quickly popped like corn.

What is the healthiest way to make popcorn?

9 Best Tips For Healthier Popcorn

  1. Make popcorn on the stovetop.
  2. Use walnut, avocado or extra virgin olive oils.
  3. Manage portion sizes.
  4. Avoid microwave popcorn.
  5. Avoid butter — or use it sparingly.
  6. Limit kettle corn.
  7. Beware of added sweeteners and chemicals.
  8. Add healthier, lighter toppings.
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Can you pop sorghum like regular popcorn?

So, popped sorghum won’t get caught in your teeth like regular popcorn which is great. However, heirloom popcorn has a very thin hull that disintegrates when it is popped.

What is popopped sorghum?

Popped sorghum is a healthy snack traditional to India and a fabulous alternative for those who are allergic to popcorn or just want to mix it up once in a while. Popcorn is an incredibly popular snack, especially in North America.

What does sorghum taste like?

I was surprised to discover that popped sorghum tastes almost exactly like popcorn. The texture is a bit softer due to the lack of hulls and smaller size but that’s it as far as I can describe. Those of you who love popcorn but can’t eat it for whatever reason will be delighted to have found an alternative at last that won’t disappoint!

Can you make popcorn on the stovetop?

In other words, popcorn made on the stovetop doesn’t require much babysitting. Popped sorghum most definitely does! Once cooked, a bowl of popped sorghum looks remarkably like a bowl of regular popcorn. The pieces are just much smaller. The picture above hopefully gives you some idea.