Is SUNY Delhi safe?

Is SUNY Delhi safe?

SUNY Delhi reported 284 safety-related incidents involving students while on campus in 2019. Of the 3,990 colleges and universities that reported crime and safety data, 3,727 of them reported fewer incidents than this. Based on a student body of 3,232 that works out to about 87.87 reports per thousand students.

Can you have pets at SUNY Delhi?

Pets that are not permitted are dogs, cats, snakes, and birds. Other animals will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Having a pet on campus is a special privilege that may be revoked at any time by the Riverview Townhouses Director or his/her designee.

What GPA do you need to get into SUNY Delhi?

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Admission Requirements Minimum cumulative transfer grade point average: 2.0 for most associate degree and bachelor’s degree programs, unless noted below.

What kind of school is SUNY Delhi?

the public State University of New York system
SUNY Delhi Transforms Lives As one of the technology colleges within the public State University of New York system, Delhi focuses on integrating technology and hands-on, career-focused practices into every one of the 60+ majors and programs.

How much is SUNY Delhi?

In-state tuition 8,640 USD, Out-of-state tuition 12,410 USD (2019 – 20)
SUNY Delhi/Undergraduate tuition and fees

How many people go to SUNY Delhi?

2,989 (2010)
SUNY Delhi/Total enrollment

What GPA do you need for SUNY Delhi?

Where are the student rooms located at SUNY Delhi?

Student rooms are located along the corridors with four common bathrooms and shower facilities per floor. The name of the building is from a local family that has been very generous in their support of SUNY Delhi.

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What is Russell Hall at SUNY Delhi?

Russell Hall is the largest residence hall at SUNY Delhi, housing approximately twice as many students as any of the other halls. Despite its overall size, there are small, close-knit environments on each floor.

What is Catskill Hall at SUNY Delhi?

Catskill Hall is an upper division Residence Hall available to continuing students, transfer students, and incoming international students. To be eligible to live in Catskill, you must have at least 15 earned academic credits and no significant judicial history. Gerry Hall was the first residence hall built at SUNY Delhi.

What is the history of SUNY Delhi Gerry Hall?

Gerry Hall was the first residence hall built at SUNY Delhi. The building is named after Angelica L. Gerry of Lake Delaware, NY, an individual who had shown great generosity to SUNY Delhi for many years. Gerry is pronounced with a hard “g” sound, not a “j” sound.