Is The Silmarillion connected to LOTR?

Is The Silmarillion connected to LOTR?

The Silmarillion is part of the history of Arda and Middle Earth: the Lord of the Rings is a novel set in Middle Earth at the end of the Third Age. The Silmarillion is a compilation of texts mixing history, legend, and prophecy; poetry, prose, and digest.

Why is Tom Bombadil not in The Silmarillion?

Bombadil is absent from Peter Jackson’s The Lord of the Rings film trilogy; Jackson explained that this was because he and his co-writers felt that the character does little to advance the story, and including him would make the film unnecessarily long.

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What did Tolkien change in The Hobbit?

Tolkien made some other minor changes to the text of The Hobbit, many of which changed travel times so that distances in The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings matched. He changed some of the foods eaten, and most amusingly he changed the name of the High Elves.

What are the other stories set in Middle Earth in addition to The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings?

What are the other stories set in Middle-earth, in addition to The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings? From a chronological standpoint, The Silmarillion and The Children of Húrin come before The Hobbit, which is in turn a prelude to The Lord of the Rings; but there is no need to follow this particular order.

Why did Gollum give Bilbo the ring?

In the first edition of The Hobbit, Gollum’s size is not stated. Originally, he was also characterised as being less bound to the Ring than in later versions; he offered to give the Ring to Bilbo if he lost the riddle game, and he showed Bilbo the way out of the mountains after losing.

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What are some examples of inconsistency in The Lord of the Rings?

Possibly the most noticeable inconsistency in The Lord of the Rings is that both Tom Bombadil and Treebeard are referred to as the eldest being in Middle-earth. Tom says that about himself, and Elrond mentions that the Elves knew Tom as “oldest and fatherless”.

What if Peter Jackson made The Silmarillion?

Although Jackson’s initial 3 movies were rapturously received, the franchise soured with The Hobbit. Bloated, rushed and far less cohesive than The Lord of the Rings, Jackson’s Hobbit movies risked sullying the reputation of the series and it’s likely any attempt at The Silmarillion would’ve done the same.

What are some examples of Tolkien’s works that were rejected?

The most famous example of these efforts is The Silmarillion. Released in 1977, The Silmarillion was an incomplete Tolkien work rejected by publishers in the author’s lifetime.

What does Aragorn say about Rivendell in The Hobbit?

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Aragorn tells the hobbits in Bree, “I know all the lands between the Shire and the Misty Mountains, for I have wandered over them for many years.” But later, speaking of the Ettendales, he says, “That is troll-country, and little known to me,” and “I do not know the way” to Rivendell by detouring through them.