Is there no marriage in heaven?

Is there no marriage in heaven?

No, it doesn’t. It says, in the KJV translation, that “in the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of God in heaven.”

How many souls will make it to heaven?

Jehovah’s Witnesses believe that exactly 144,000 faithful Christians from Pentecost of 33 AD until the present day will be resurrected to heaven as immortal spirit beings to spend eternity with God and Christ.

Are you still married after death?

Whether you consider yourself married as a widow, widower, or widowed spouse is a matter of personal preference. Legally you are no longer married after the death of your spouse. Legally, when a spouse dies, the contractual marriage is broken and no longer exists.

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Will there be females in Heaven?

That’s right, ladies, there will be NO females in Heaven. The thinking goes something like this: God, the father is male and Jesus is male. In Heaven, Christians will receive perfect resurrected bodies just like Jesus’. Thus, everyone in Heaven will be a thirty-three-year-old male.

How old will the saved woman be in Heaven?

This would mean that every saved woman in the body of Christ will eventually become a THIRTY-THREE AND ONE-HALF YEAR OLD, SINLESS MALE (Phil. 3:20-21). She would be a perfect replica of the Lord Jesus Christ (Romans 8:29). (Bible Believers’ Bulletin. May 1986, page 3)So up in Heaven, ladies, you are going to be a 33 1/2-year-old male just

Is the Bible primarily about men or women?

It is primarily about men, in fact, woman are rarely mentioned in Scripture. Typically, only when a man could not get the job done, then God relied on a woman to take care of business. Deborah and Jael come to mind, and God no doubt used them as an example to shame the men, ( Judges 4:1-4, 18-21).

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Does God support transgenderism for women in Heaven?

In Heaven, Christians will receive perfect resurrected bodies just like Jesus’. Thus, everyone in Heaven will be a thirty-three-year-old male. This means, of course, that God promotes and supports Transgenderism for women. Time to get your male on, ladies. Prepare now for eternity in Heaven as a m-a-n.