Is Yuumi hated?

Is Yuumi hated?

The things that make her strong also make her easy, and this is a large part of why Yuumi is generally hated by the community. If there was something Yuumi players were doing to stand out from the rest, it may feel a little better. Instead, every person that plays Yuumi feels like they’re playing in the same way.

What is Yuumi win rate?

Yuumi’s Statistics

Type Average Placement Change This Patch
Win Rate 49.3\% 1
Play Rate 0.1\% -3
Ban Rate 0.3\% +2
Playerbase Average Games Played 13,342.0 -3

Why is Yuumi so strong?

The ‘invisible power’ of Yuumi is probably the most powerful thing about her. Adaptive power, movement speed (the most powerful stat in the game!) with an AS steroid, and the ability to hard CC without being concerned about positioning is what makes Yuumi so strong.

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Is Yuumi a bad champion?

This champion is just bad. Nobody gains anything from her, except maybe a few extra minutes of much-needed sleep, but she isn’t even a good champion. Riot, you’ve buffed her and nothing has changed. Let us all agree that the game would be a much better place if Yuumi wasn’t part of the champion pool.

Do pros play Yuumi?

It’s early to say it but it’s been a few games for the pro scenes on 9.14 already and Yuumi was always banned. Those early mana nerfs seem to not be a problem at all for pro players.

Will Yuumi be nerfed?

League of Legends 11.22 will be released in early November and it has already been confirmed that Yuumi will be getting nerfed. Riot Phlox confirmed on Twitter that there were going to be a number of changes coming to the new patch on Wednesday November 3rd, including some nerfs to Yuumi.

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Did Yuumi get nerfed?

Being one of the strongest selections in the current meta, Riot decided to nerf him a bit as well. His passive maximum health healing was reduced to 15\%, and his W damage was reduced across levels, now at 60/100/.

Is Yuumi good season 11?

Yuumi 11.24 Yuumi Build 11.24 ranks as an S-Tier pick for the Support role in Season 11. This champion currently has a Win Rate of 49.36\% (Bad), Pick Rate of 6.92\% (High), and a Ban Rate of 3.27\% (High).

Do pro players play Yuumi?

Is Yuumi broken?

Yuumi has become the most banned champion at Worlds 2021, surpassing 40 bans as debates as to whether League of Legends’ feline champion is broken continue across the internet. Yuumi has become the pick-or-ban champion of Worlds 2021, with 12 picks and 42 bans across the 57 main stage games in Iceland so far.

Why is Yuumi getting nerfed?

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Why Is Yuumi Getting Nerfed? The World Championship revealed a major issue with the Magical Cat, in that the character was far too overpowered and it affected the game’s meta massively.