Should I do foreign exchange in high school?

Should I do foreign exchange in high school?

Studying abroad while in high school is a great thing to be able to include on your resume and college applications. Studying abroad shows independence, motivation, and a desire to have new experiences and meet new people, all qualities that employers and college admissions officers like to see.

Is being a foreign exchange student worth it?

Exchange students, not only gain benefits for themselves, but bring in different ideas and perspectives to business, education, society, etc. People need to become more aware of different cultures, world issues, communication, and internationally connected, and being an exchange student does just that.

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How long do high school foreign exchange students stay?

An exchange student typically stays in the host country for a period of 6 to 12 months; however, exchange students may opt to stay for one semester at a time.

Does being a foreign exchange student look good for college?

Admissions officers look at thousands of applications every year. In general, one summer studying abroad in high school is not going to help an application standout, especially when many other college applicants also have high school study abroad experience. By all accounts, it’s a great experience.

What is the best year to be an exchange student?

For most programs, sophomore year is the earliest you can spend a year abroad. There are a few major benefits to studying abroad in 10th grade. For starters, if you’re concerned about potentially missing major American high school events, this is a great time to go on exchange.

What is the best year to study abroad?

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Statistically, most students study abroad junior year of college, allowing the foreign study to advantageously enhance their degree. Studying abroad early, however, has many advantages: You will have plenty of time at your home campus to complete required credits when you choose a major.

Can you date a foreign exchange student?

While always remembering to stay safe and make smart choices, you can absolutely date while on high school student exchange programs. However, you might find that your time is better spent not just dating the locals, but becoming friends with them as well!

Does studying abroad look good on a resume?

To highlight your experience abroad on your résumé, just list the following: Your education abroad in the “Education” section of your résumé below your current school, or college or university from where you intend to graduate.

What are the benefits of studying abroad in high school?

Benefits of High School Study Abroad Programs

  • Opportunities to develop language skills in an immersive environment.
  • Personal organization and time management skills.
  • Confidence-building and experience with independent travel.
  • Opportunities to learn about new cuisine and new lifestyles.