Should I trademark my business name or logo first?

Should I trademark my business name or logo first?

Generally speaking, you should apply for trademark registrations for your business name, logo, slogan and designs separately.

  1. Keep It Separate. Keeping your logo and business name separate allows you to use either property on its own.
  2. Changing Logos.
  3. Costs.
  4. Considerations.

Do you trademark a brand name?

Business names, product names, logos and labels can all be trademarks. You acquire a trademark by using your mark in commerce—in other words, using it when you conduct your business. For additional protection, you can register a trademark with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

Does a brand name have to be registered?

Brand names that are not registered could be used by others without permission. Any limitations would be at the state and city level where the business is registered. Trademarked names however can not be used except in “fair use” in which the name can be used as long as long as ownership of the name isn’t confused.

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How much does it cost to trademark a brand?

The cost to trademark a name at the federal level ranges from $225 to $400 plus legal fees or $50 to $150 for a state trademark. The average cost to trademark a logo is $225 to $600 plus any legal fees….Trademark Cost.

National Average Cost $424
Maximum Cost $2,000
Average Range $275 to $660

Should you trademark business name?

You can trademark your business name, logo, or slogan. If you decide to trademark your business name with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), you will have exclusive rights to the trademark and no one else can use it in any state in the US.

Do I need to trademark my business name?

If you only operate in one state you do not need to trademark your business name because you already have the right to use it in that state, and you are allowed to use it in other states, according to Nina Kaufman of Entrepreneur.com.

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When do you need a trademark and, or copyright?

A trademark typically protects brand names and logos used on goods and services. A patent protects an invention. A copyright protects an original artistic or literary work. For example, if you invent a new kind of vacuum cleaner, you would apply for a patent to protect the invention itself.

How to trademark your business name?

First,decide if a trademark is right for you or if you should pursue another avenue.

  • Next,you must choose the mark to submit to the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).
  • Once you’ve found a suitable trademark name,prepare then submit an application to the USPTO.