What advantages did the Vietcong have in the Vietnam War?

What advantages did the Vietcong have in the Vietnam War?

Their having lived in these areas prior to the war gave them superior knowledge of the land, which they used to plant traps and plan ambushes. Additionally, they were not tied down by as rigid of a military structure as the US, so they were able to fight independently and wage their own private wars.

Why were the Vietcong popular?

The Vietcong was aided and supplied by communist North Vietnam and its leader Ho Chi Minh. The Vietcong’s message of independence from foreign control and ending the concentration of land ownership among rich landlords made it popular with Vietnamese peasant farmers.

What were the Vietcong known for?

The Vietcong used guerilla warfare, including terrorist bombings, assassinations, and ambushes. The group is best known for the Tet Offensive, an surprise attack on many South Vietnamese cities that began on January 1968 during Tet, or Vietnamese New Year.

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Who were the good guys in the Vietnam War?

The ‘good’ guys in the Vietnam War were those who fought for what they believed was right. The Southern Vietnamese soldiers who fought to the end to save their comrades because they truly believed they were doing the right thing were the good guys.

Why were the Vietcong so successful against the US?

They were extremely successful because they had very good and vital knowledge of the forests and jungles and were able to protect their supplies from damage by using the Ho Chi Minh Trail.

Why was the Vietcong so hard to fight?

The Vietcong had an intricate knowledge of the terrain. They won the hearts and minds of the South Vietnamese people by living in their villages and helping them with their everyday lives. Their tunnel systems, booby-traps and jungle cover meant they were difficult to defeat and hard to find.

How did the Vietcong win the war?

The main objectives and aims of the Vietcong were to use guerilla warfare to achieve victory against the USA. This meant that they had to retreat when the enemy attacked, pursue when they retreated, attack when they tired and raid when they camped. This helped them attack the US with secrecy.

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How did the Vietcong make life difficult for US forces?

How did Vietcong gain support?

The Vietcong were supported by the South Vietnamese peasants because they would offer to help them with their daily work. It was difficult for American troops to know who was a Vietcong and who was not.

Why were the Vietcong so successful against the United States?

What were two reasons US troops had trouble fighting the war on Vietnamese soil?

Basically because the Vietnamese wanted to win more than the Americans did. There were a couple of reasons for this. First, the Americans were an invading force, and the Vietnamese were fighting on their own soil. Second, the Americans were not willing to make an all-out commitment to win.

What strategies did the Vietcong use?

The Vietcong encouraged a fear amongst the peasants that the Americans and South Vietnamese would take this land back. They would frustrate the Americans by simple tactics: retreating when the enemy attacked; raiding enemy camps; attacking the enemy when they were tired and pursuing the enemy when they retreated.

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Who were the Viet Cong and what did they do?

The Viet Cong were South Vietnamese supporters of the communist National Liberation Front in South Vietnam during the Vietnam War (known in Vietnam as the American War).

How did the Viet Cong increase efficiency in the Vietnam War?

Increased Efficiency During the Vietnam War. Although the Viet Cong started out as a loose grouping of guerrilla fighters, they increased markedly in professionalism and in numbers over the course of the conflict. The Viet Cong were supported and trained by the government of communist North Vietnam.

What happened to the Viet Cong after the Tet Offensive?

In 1976, after Vietnam was formally reunited under communist rule, the Viet Cong was disbanded. In any case, the Viet Cong tried to create a popular uprising in South Vietnam during the Vietnam War with their 1968 Tet Offensive but were able to seize control of just a few small districts in the Mekong Delta region.

What did the Viet Cong do in the Mekong Delta?

The Viet Cong tried to create a popular uprising in South Vietnam during the Vietnam War with their 1968 Tet Offensive but were able to seize control of just a few small districts in the Mekong Delta region.