What are some little known facts?

What are some little known facts?

40 Random Obscure Facts That Will Make Everyone Think You’re a Genius

  • Competitive art used to be in the Olympics.
  • A chef’s hat has exactly 100 pleats.
  • “OMG” usage can be traced back to 1917.
  • Some cats are actually allergic to humans.
  • The majority of your brain is fat.
  • Oranges aren’t naturally occurring fruits.

Did you know facts that will make you question life?

28 Facts That Will Make You Question Everything

  • Certain turtles can “breathe” out of their butts.
  • Elephants can die from broken hearts.
  • The founders of Adidas and Puma were not only brothers, but Nazis.
  • You are more likely to be killed by an asteroid than to win the lottery.
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What are some uncomfortable facts?

26 Bizarre Facts That Might Make You Feel A Bit Uncomfortable

  • A typical jar of peanut butter contains 10 or more rodent hairs, averaging one or more rodent hairs per 100 grams.
  • The average person walks by almost 16 murderers in their lifetime.
  • Phill Lewis, aka Mr.

What are some weird facts that will make you question everything?

50 Absurd Facts That Will Make You Question Everything 1 1 You typically only breathe out of one nostril at a time. 2 21 There’s an entire holiday dedicated to what would happen if cats and dogs had opposable thumbs. 3 28 The Last Supper originally showed Jesus’ feet, but they were cut off to make a doorway.

What are some mind-blowing facts you know about Mumbai?

1. Certain turtles can “breathe” out of their butts. 2. Elephants can die from broken hearts. 3. The founders of Adidas and Puma were not only brothers, but Nazis. 4. You are more likely to be killed by an asteroid than to win the lottery. 5. Breathing Mumbai’s air for one day is the same as smoking 100 cigarettes in a day. 6.

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Are these absurd trivia tidbits real?

These absurd trivia tidbits are so surprising that you won’t believe they’re real. Sometimes you hear a trivia tidbit so surprising that you almost can’t believe it’s real. But while you shouldn’t trust everything you read online, we’ve gone ahead and done the research to find 50 fully verifiable facts you can use to impress your friends.