What are some smart things to say?

What are some smart things to say?

15 Smart Things to Say That Will Reassure People You’re a True Professional

  • “Here’s our expertise.” This is about self-awareness and defining your limits ahead of time.
  • “This is the plan.”
  • “I’ll find out.”
  • “That’s not possible.”
  • “You can count on me.”
  • “Here are the challenges.”
  • “Follow me.”
  • “Here’s how it works.”

How do you know if someone is acting smart?

Here are the signs of smart people:

  1. They don’t talk as much as you do, because they know they got smart by listening.
  2. They know lots of things other than what they’re specialised in.
  3. They juggle home, work and personal interests with dexterity and never fall back on the tired old refrain about “work life balance”.
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How do you say I don’t know in a smart way?

“I’m not sure, but I’ll find out and let you know.” “I’ll look into it and get back to you with what I find.” “That’s a good question and I want to give you an accurate response. Let me get back to you by end-of-day.”

How do you say you are smart?


  1. genius. adjective. informal very clever or original.
  2. intelligent. adjective. good at thinking clearly and quickly, at understanding difficult ideas and subjects, and at gaining and using knowledge.
  3. wise. adjective.
  4. brilliant. adjective.
  5. clever. adjective.
  6. bright. adjective.
  7. brainy. adjective.
  8. discerning. adjective.

How do you sound smart?

How to Sound Smart

  1. Use simple terminology. Stop thinking the use of big words will make you appear smart.
  2. Don’t over-articulate. Connect the words within phrases together.
  3. Relax & Breathe. Being relaxed always improves your performance; exhale your voice right out of your lungs.
  4. Use a varied intonation pattern.

How can I speak more intelligently?

Here are nine easily mastered techniques to quickly make yourself more eloquent and smarter sounding.

  1. Stand or sit with spine straight but relaxed.
  2. Keep your chin up.
  3. Focus on your listeners.
  4. Speak loudly enough to be heard.
  5. Buttress words with appropriate gestures.
  6. Strategically position your body.
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What is N A mean?

not applicable
N/A/Full name

How do you say IDK fancy?

I Don’t Know Synonyms

  1. Beats me.
  2. Hmm…
  3. I am not the best person to answer that.
  4. I can find out for you.
  5. I can’t remember off the top of my head. I’ll get back to you on that.
  6. I don’t have that information here right now.
  7. I don’t know anything about…
  8. I have no clue/idea.

What is a smart cookie?

Definition of smart cookie : a person who is smart You’re one smart cookie.

What are some phrases Smart People Never Say?

Here are some phrases smart people never say. “Don’t mistake silence for weakness. Smart people don’t plan big moves out loud.” – Unknown 1. I have a high IQ. According to this study, there are 9 kinds of intelligence. IQ tests examine only one particular kind, and they usually favor people who are good at solving puzzles and problems.

Is it easier to notice what smart people don’t do?

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Truth be told, it is far easier to notice what these smart people don’t do, and arrive to a conclusion as to what is to be avoided. As long as we circumvent these negative things, the rest will come naturally.

What are the disadvantages of being a smart person?

Smart people are more often alone. They know how much they don’t know. They’re more likely to fall prey to stereotypes. They’re more easily distracted. They’re weighed down by expectations.

What makes a highly intelligent person funny?

As a personality trait, being funny is linked to strong verbal communication skills. So for those that primarily rely on verbal communication and have developed these skills well, highly intelligent people will be able to make you laugh. 14. They’re Intuitive