What are the factors that bring about national integration?

What are the factors that bring about national integration?

Factors affecting national integration india

  • Casteism: Caste is an imported part of our social fabric.
  • Communalism: Religions antagonism has posed a i serious challenge to national integration in India.
  • Linguistic Fanaticism:
  • Regionalism:
  • Social Disparity:
  • Economic Inequalities:

What is the example of national integration?

ANSWER : The make-up division of the Gemini Studios was an example of national integration. According to the author, this is so because people from different regions and religious groups worked together in the same department. The department was headed by a Bengali who was succeeded by a Maharashtrian.

What is the importance of national integration?

National integration also helps in keeping the stability of a country and adds up to its whole development. It supports to nurture communal harmony and fights casteism, regionalism, and linguism, etc. National Integration improves the feeling of loyalty and fraternity towards the nation.

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What is the importance of national integration and cohesion?

National integration and cohesion promote political stability in a country which is very important for socio-economic development. Similarly, the daily business of life in education, health, industries, agriculture, trade, and commerce, etc.

How is national integration brought about by physical education and sports?

Physical Education plays an important role in building it. National integration includes feeling of brotherhood, friendship and oneness. Physical Education provides a common platform where they forget all their differences. It plays very important role in bringing about national unity.

How can we overcome challenges in national integration?


  1. The six measures for overcoming the Problem of National Integration in India are:
  2. Emotional unity.
  3. Social unity.
  4. Economic unity.
  5. One nation one language.
  6. Encouraging interest and inter religion marriages.
  7. Education is the most powerful measures to solve the issue of the.

How do you do national integration?

This is one of the most important factors in promoting national integration. Tolerance and respect for other caste or religion also support to promote national integrity. Education, social and cultural unity, equality among people also helps to teach the feeling of national integration.

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How does national integration help in development of our country?

National Integration helps in keeping the stability of the country and helps in the development. It nourishes communal harmony and fights casteism, regionalism and linguistic differences. It enhances the feeling of loyalty towards the nation and aims at unifying people.

What is the concept of national integration?

National integration is the awareness of a common identity amongst the citizens of a country. It means that though the individuals belong to different communities, castes, religions, cultures and regions and speak different languages, all of them recognize the fact that they are one.

What is national integration?

What is the conclusion of national integration?

National integration makes the nation strong and organized. It holds the people of various religions, sects, races, dress, civilization and culture together. Despite several differences, all the people remain in mutual harmony with each other.

How do you develop national integration among the students?

Besides the suggestions of the National Integration Conference, some other steps can be recommended for securing high level of national integration.

  1. (1) Promotion of Secularism:
  2. (2) Cultural Integration:
  3. (3) Economic Development:
  4. Education:
  5. Political and Administrative Measures:
  6. Non-Government Organisations:
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Is national integration possible in Pakistan?

National integration in Pakistan only emerges in times of natural disaster, national dilemma or an external threat. Once the threat is dealt with, the internal contradictions re-appear.

What is the problem with the lack of national integration?

The lack of national integration is a big problem. Owing to the absence of national integration Pakistan has been pushed to cruel circle. It has made Pakistan a sorry state of affairs, and has made Pakistan the centre of terrorist activities.

How can India prevent disintegration of Pakistan?

India, the neighbour of Pakistan has hundreds of languages, several cultures and religions but has been able to prevent disintegration because of its democratic political system as neither the military nor any ethnic gro­up is allowed to dominate a multi-cultural and multi-religious society.

What are the problems faced by Pakistan?

Pakistan was the result of integration on the basis of Islam. Unfortunately after the death of Quaid-e-Azam the country was isolated. National integration faced too many problems. At this rate, income inequalities, social injustice, political blow and other evils raised their heads.