What are the issues faced by the Uber drivers?

What are the issues faced by the Uber drivers?

Health & Safety. Many Uber drivers face harassment and abuse from customers. With little to no recourse for support, Uber drivers feel that they are at risk at work. If and when they are injured at work, they have no access to workers compensation and are left without a source of income.

What are the negative effects of Uber?

One of the disadvantages of Uber is its variable rate. Uber increase price in different occasions. Uber uses automated system to increase prices based on supply and demand. For instance, if you take a ride on New Year’s Eve or any other occasion, the fare is doubled or sometimes even tripled the normal rate.

What are ethical challenges that Uber faces in using App based peer to peer sharing technology?

The ethical challenges that Uber faces in using app-based peer-to-peer sharing technology includes fairness, financial misconduct, safety, privacy issues, and puffery. The drivers of Uber are considered to be Independent Contractors where they use their own resources such as their own cars for ride-sharing.

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What are the advantages and disadvantages of being an Uber driver?

Business Know-How

  • Flexible Schedule. Possibly the biggest advantage to a job like this is the flexible schedule.
  • Taxes. Courts ruled that Uber drivers are independent contractors rather than employees.
  • Insurance.
  • Wear and Tear.
  • Your Safety.

What are the ethical challenges that Uber faces?

Ethical issues

  • Passenger Safety:
  • Security of Drivers:
  • Privacy.
  • Recruitment and Unethical Conduct of Employees:
  • Unethical leadership at UBER:
  • UBER Poaching Competitor’s Drivers:
  • Passenger’s Safety.
  • Security of Drivers.

What are the ethical challenges that Uber faces using app based peer to peer sharing technology?