What are the major issues of Christianity?

What are the major issues of Christianity?

The major issues in Christian eschatology are the Tribulation, death and the afterlife, (mainly for Evangelical groups) the Millennium and the following Rapture, the Second Coming of Jesus, Resurrection of the Dead, Heaven, (for liturgical branches) Purgatory, and Hell, the Last Judgment, the end of the world, and the …

What is the most important fact about Christianity?

Christians believe in one God that created heaven, earth and the universe. The belief in one God originated with the Jewish religion. Christians believe Jesus is the “Messiah” or savior of the world. They also believe that he is the son of God.

Did you know facts about Christianity?

Christianity is a religion based upon Jesus of Nazareth’s life and his teachings. It is the largest religion in the world today with more than 2.2 billion followers. Jesus was born in approximately 7 BC and it is believed he began teaching in Galilee after his 30th year.

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What do you want to know about Christianity?

Christianity is focussed on the life and ministry of Jesus Christ. Christians believe that God raised Jesus from the dead and that he now forgives all those who turn from evil and turn to Jesus in faith. Christians believe that God’s Spirit empowers them to live in a kind and peace- loving way.

What’s so unique about Christianity?

Only Christians acknowledge the Three-in-One God, and this makes Christianity entirely unique among all the world’s faith-systems. Crucial to the Christian doctrine of the Trinity is the truth that all three Persons of the Three-in-One exist simultaneously both now and forever.

What do we want to know about Christianity?

Christianity is focussed on the life and ministry of Jesus Christ. Christians believe that God wisely and generously created the world so that we might live in relationship with God and with all creation. In time, the good world that God created was marred by evil. Catholic Many faiths believe in one God.