What can I use instead of a textbook?

What can I use instead of a textbook?

Alternatives to Traditional Textbooks

  • Alternative Textbooks. Some new entrants to the textbook market offer students the choice of very inexpensive e-texts or low cost print versions of the same.
  • University Press, Scholarly, or Trade Books.
  • Library Ebooks & Chapters from Library Ebooks.

What do teachers do besides teach their content to students?

We see teachers as people with a set of responsibilities, including asking questions, evaluating students, lecturing, praising or critiquing, assigning homework, supervising and grading examinations, and, at the end of the semester or year, grading each student. …

Why do most college students have difficulty in reading their text books?

Many of our students are poor readers. They often don’t know how to extract key information from the textbook, even when the textbook is “user friendly” and written at a lower reading level than a standard college text. When students grapple with the text before class what happens during class makes much more sense.

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What are the different sources of learning other than textbook?

How to use resources such as pictures, news stories and television series to support language learning.

  • 1 Using resources beyond the textbook. Pause for thought.
  • 2 Using pictures in the English classroom.
  • 3 Using news stories in the English classroom.
  • 4 Using television series in the English classroom.
  • 5 Summary.

Do learners need a coursebook?

They provide language input for learners. Well-designed coursebooks can be motivating and provide a logical organization of content. They offer a written record of what has been studied and allow students to review it later. In some L2 teaching contexts, the use of a given coursebook is compulsory.

What do teachers do when they not teaching?

What do teachers do at school when they aren’t teaching?

  • Researching ideas online.
  • Playing with apps/websites.
  • Creating games and activities.
  • Interacting with students online.
  • On the beach reading piles of children’s books.
  • In the midst of some messy project.

What do teachers do when not teaching?

Most teachers develop their lesson plans and grade assignments outside of regular classroom hours as well. When students need additional assistance with their schoolwork, teachers may provide one-on-one help during lunch or after school.

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What are some of the reading problems that students face?

Common Reading Issues

  • Poor Vision.
  • Hearing loss.
  • Improper directional tracking.
  • Poor comprehension skills.
  • Issues with Decoding.
  • ADD.
  • ADHD.
  • Dyslexia.

Do students learn from textbooks?

Students learn more effectively from print textbooks than screens, study says. Today’s students see themselves as digital natives, the first generation to grow up surrounded by technology like smartphones, tablets and e-readers.

What are the major sources of information about learning in school?

Primary sources can be letters, research results, works of art, speeches, patents, and original manuscripts and documents. Secondary sources can be encyclopedia entries, book reviews, news articles, and reports.

What is the best source of learning?

Top eLearning Resources For Effective Learning Today

  • Coursera. Boasting more than 1000 courses from the best universities in the world, Coursera is a mecca for digital learners.
  • edX.
  • YouTube.
  • Lynda.
  • Udemy.
  • Alison.
  • Khan Academy.
  • MIT Open Courseware.

What are the advantages of coursebook?

Apart from the above benefits, coursebooks provide structure and a syllabus for a program, they help standardize instruction, maintain quality, provide a variety of learning resources, are efficient because they save teachers’ time, can provide effective language models and input, and are usually visually appealing and …

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Are textbooks useful in teaching?

Textbooks can definitely be useful, but the extent of their implementation often depends on course content comfort level and teaching style. To illustrate, one of the few times I use a textbook is when I teach a Shakespearean play. My students benefit from the margin notes and context explanations.

Is a textbook a staple in teaching?

For others – a staple. If you’re anything like me, textbooks are a convenient frame of reference, but when it comes to designing curriculum for your own students, it’s easier to do without one. Educators often feel pressured to use textbooks because they are research-based. Still, teachers are professionals.

Should educators be tied to the textbook?

Understandably, some educators feel tied to the textbook because it’s what their grade-level teachers use. It is difficult to be the one who deviates from the standard path, but it’s certainly possible to stay in alignment with other teachers’ curriculums without using the same book.

Should teachers use textbooks to teach grammar?

Teachers who have little training in grammar sometimes prefer to use textbooks as a guide. Certainly, textbooks can be a good place to start with, for instance, sequencing grammar instruction, but it’s important that we move beyond them to lessons that will resonate with our students. Textbook companies don’t know our students.