What causes mass curved spacetime?

What causes mass curved spacetime?

When a smaller mass passes near a larger mass, it curves toward the larger mass because spacetime itself is curved toward the larger mass. The smaller mass is not “attracted” to the larger mass by any force. The smaller mass simply follows the structure of curved spacetime near the larger mass.

Does energy bend spacetime?

Yes. According to Einstein’s general theory of relativity, spacetime is warped by the presence of matter or energy. However, it would take a huge amount of energy to produce any significant curvature of spacetime. It is matter in all its aspects that bends spacetime.

How does energy curve space?

Since matter carries energy (via Einstein’s famous relation that energy is mass times the speed of light squared), such objects will have a gravitational field and so they will distort space-time. So one way in which a charge or a magnet will distort space-time is by virtue of its matter.

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Why does energy curve space?

You could see light being bent due to the presence of a strong gravitational field. Conclusion: Even if light has no rest mass, it has energy and momentum. And it is being attracted due to gravity, so the natural conclusion is that energy do curve space-time.

What does spacetime consist of?

In physics, spacetime is any mathematical model which fuses the three dimensions of space and the one dimension of time into a single four-dimensional manifold. Spacetime diagrams can be used to visualize relativistic effects, such as why different observers perceive differently where and when events occur.

How does energy bend space?

Since matter carries energy (via Einstein’s famous relation that energy is mass times the speed of light squared), such objects will have a gravitational field and so they will distort space-time. This gravitational field is in addition to that produced by the matter of the charge or magnet.

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Does momentum bend spacetime?

Classical electromagnetic fields carry energy and momentum and therefore cause spacetime curvature.

What is the relationship between the curvature of spacetime and mass?

To understand the interaction between the curvature of spacetime and mass, let’s consider a flat spacetime (a). The insertion of an object will curve this spacetime (b). Indeed, the internal spacetime of the object “pushes” the flat spacetime to make room. As we see, it is the VOLUME of the object, not its MASS, that deforms spacetime.

Is spacetime curved by volume?

Spacetime isn’t curved by VOLUMES, or by MASS as we think, but by a special type of volumes: “Volumes with mass”. This kind of volumes satisfies both general relativity (curvature by MASS) and common sense (curvature by VOLUMES), as the previous fig. b shows. Volumes with/without mass

What is the relationship between mass/energy and gravity?

Mass curves spacetime, there is no such thing as gravity? It is said that there is no such thing as gravity. Mass/energy curves spacetime and a body follows this curvature so gravity is basically the geometry of spacetime.

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How does matter move in curved space?

Matter tells space how to curve, and curved space tells matter how to move. That’s the basic principle behind Einstein’s General Relativity, which linked, for the first time, the phenomenon of gravity with that of spacetime and relativity. Place a mass down anywhere in the Universe, and the space around it will curve in response.