What could be the molecular formula if you have 86\% carbon and 14\% hydrogen in a hydrocarbon?

What could be the molecular formula if you have 86\% carbon and 14\% hydrogen in a hydrocarbon?

Its molecular formula is C2H4.

What is the empirical formula of a compound that contains 14\% hydrogen and 86\% carbon by mass?

Its empirical formula is CH2​

What is the molecular formula for a compound that is composed of 54.53\% carbon 9.15\% hydrogen and 36.32\% oxygen the molecular formula mass is 88 g mol?

1 Expert Answer Thus the empirical formula is C2H4O. Multiply this by the mass of the elements with each subscript for a total of 44.02. Divide 132 by 44.02 to have 3 times the empirical formula for the moleular formula or C6H12O3.

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What is the empirical formula for a carbon and hydrogen containing compound that is found to be 85.68\% C and 14.42\% H?

The empirical formula is SO3. The empirical formula is the simplest whole number ratio of the atoms in one molecule of the compound.

What is the empirical formula for a compound that contains 82.6\% carbon and 17.4\% hydrogen?

Example #2: What is the empirical formula for a compound that contains 82.6\% carbon and 17.4\% hydrogen? Therefore, the empirical formula is C2H5.

What are the empirical and molecular formulas for a compound with 86.88\% carbon and 13.12\% hydrogen and a molecular weight of about 345g mole?

The empirical formula is C4H5N2O. A compound contains 86.88\% of carbon and 13.12\% of hydrogen, and the molecular weight is 345.

What is the empirical formula for a compound composed of 3.25 hydrogen?

The empirical formula is H2CO3.

What is the empirical formula for a compound contains 54.53\% carbon 9.15\% hydrogen and 36.32\% oxygen?

2.270/2.270 =1. So, that gives you the empirical formula of C2H4O.

What is the simplest formula for a compound composed of only carbon and hydrogen and containing 14.3\% H?

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AS with all these problems, we assume (for simplicity) 100⋅g of unknown compound. And 14.3\%×100⋅g1.00794⋅g⋅mol−1 with respect to hydrogen, i.e. 14.1⋅mol⋅H . And thus the empirical formula , the simplest whole number ratio that defines constituent elements in a species is CH2 .

What is empirical formula for a compound that contains 17.34\% hydrogen and 82.66\% carbon?

Butane, a hydrocarbon (A compound containing only hydrogen and carbon.) used as LPG and lighter fluid, contains 82.66\% carbon and 17.34\% hydrogen by mass.

What is the empirical formula of a compound that is 85.6\% carbon and 14.4\% hydrogen by weight?

Empirical formula Compound Molecular formula
CH2 (85.6\% C; 14.4\% H) cyclohexane C6H12
CH2O (40.0\% C; 6.7\% H; 53.3\% O) formaldehyde CH2O
acetic acid C2H4O
glyceraldehyde C3H6O3

What is the empirical formula for a compound composed of?

An Empirical formula is the chemical formula of a compound that gives the proportions (ratios) of the elements present in the compound but not the actual numbers or arrangement of atoms. This would be the lowest whole number ratio of the elements in the compound.

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What is the molar mass of the compound?

The molar mass of a compound is 88 g/mol. It contains 54.53\% carbon, 9.15\% hydrogen and 36.32\% oxygen. What is the molecular formula of the compound? | Socratic

How do you find the mole value of carbon and hydrogen?

That means that we have 86 grams of carbon and 14 grams of hydrogen. Next you want to convert these values to mole values since the subscripts denote mole values. Take the mass of each element and divide by the molar mass of that element.

What is the molar mass of 88G mol-1?

In this case, a molar mass of 88 g mol−1 tells you that one mole of this compound has a mass of 88 g. Use the percent composition of the compound to determine how many grams of each element you’d get in this 88-g sample.

What is the molecular weight of the compound C6H12O6?

The molecular weight of this compound is 180.18g/mol. 180.18/30.02 = 6.002 Multiply each subscript in the empirical formula to get the molecular formula. The molecular formula is C6H12O6.