What did Dumbledore say about the Dementors?

What did Dumbledore say about the Dementors?

Dumbledore : A word of caution: dementors are vicious creatures. They will not distinguish between the one they hunt and the one who gets in their way. Therefore I must warn each and every one of you to give them no reason to harm you.

Why is Dumbledore opposed to the ministry’s use of Dementors?

Albus Dumbledore, in particular, thought it was a mistake for the Ministry to ever ally with such creatures, though Alastor Moody thought violent criminals such as Death Eaters deserved such treatment.

Why did Dumbledore not choose Harry a prefect?

It’s still hard to understand why Dumbledore chose Ron to become Prefect. We know he didn’t choose Harry because he felt Harry had enough on his plate. Ron was never one to follow rules. He had no issue with letting people break them and he wouldn’t even stand up to his own brothers when they stepped out of line.

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Why did Harry Potter name his son after Dumbledore?

Because Harry knew that if not for Dumbledore he would be dead. because why Dumbledore did use harry, he was willing to set harry to die, but he was also ready and willing to DIE to protect harry.

Are Dementors scared of Dumbledore?

We all know that Dumbledore hates Dementors. We are told over and over again that he thinks they are evil and that the Ministry shouldn’t ally itself with them. While this is undoubtedly true, I think Dumbledore has an ulterior motive for his hatred of Dementors.

What are Dementors in Harry Potter?

Dementors are horrific wraith-like creatures that appear in the Harry Potter books and film series. These nightmarish monsters have been classed by the Ministry of Magic as “non-beings” due to their amortal state, meaning that they are neither capable of dying nor have they ever been alive.

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Why are Dementors considered non beings?

These nightmarish monsters have been classed by the Ministry of Magic as “non-beings” due to their amortal state, meaning that they are neither capable of dying nor have they ever been alive. Dementors feed on positive human emotions, draining all feelings of joy and happiness from anyone in their proximity.

Why was Professor Dumbledore so angry with the Dementors?

Professor Dumbledore was very angry because Dementors should never have gotten on the grounds, and he drove them away using a Patronus Charm. In early 1994, Professor Lupin began teaching Harry Anti-Dementor lessons every Thursday evening.

What happens if you get too close to a Dementor?

Get too near a Dementor and every good feeling, every happy memory, will be sucked out of you. If it can, the Dementor will feed on you long enough to reduce you to something like itself – soulless and evil. You’ll be left with nothing but the worst experiences of your life.’