What does flaky mean in a friendship?

What does flaky mean in a friendship?

People are flaky (also spelled flakey) if they are wacky and unconventional, but to say someone is flaky is not really a compliment. If you want to buffer the blow of calling your friend an odd-ball, don’t say she’s flaky — say she’s eccentric.

How do you know if your friend is flaky?

Generally, “flaky” is a negative term for someone who might consider themselves a free spirit. Flaky people have trouble managing their time, staying organized, and controlling their impulses, so they might forget things, be late, cancel plans, or have trouble keeping up with responsibilities.

Why is my friend so flaky all the time?

Your flaky friend might not even do it on purpose. Flakiness could result from planning way too many things at once and not keeping track. It can also be because you were feeling one way when you made plans and when it comes times, you are so not down for it anymore.

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What is an example of someone being flaky?

For example, someone may have to cancel on their friends if they get a migraine out of nowhere. When someone can really seem flaky is when they’re embarrassed about their health condition, and make unbelievable excuses rather than tell people what’s really going on.

Why is my BFF so Flakey?

It can also be because you were feeling one way when you made plans and when it comes times, you are so not down for it anymore. Whatever your BFF’s reasoning is time and time again, you and other ditched friends could totally write a book on the struggles of dealing with a flaky friend.

What are the signs that a friend is not a good friend?

They often cancel plans at the last second, or if they didn’t make a firm commitment, announce at the last second they can’t make it. They’re hard to make plans with in the first place. They’re always busy and have to get back to you. They’re undependable about returning your calls or texts.