What does it mean to be a good representative in your country?

What does it mean to be a good representative in your country?

Be respectful, courteous, and mindful that you are a guest in someone else’s school, home, or country, and a representative of a school, state, and nation. Show a genuine interest in the host country.

How can I be respectful in a foreign country?

How to Be Respectful of Other Cultures While Traveling

  1. Don’t take offensive pictures.
  2. Learn basic cultural mannerisms and etiquette.
  3. Respect your host culture and religion.
  4. Be aware of how you represent your home.
  5. Just do your best.

Why do we need to know our guest cultures?

Understanding social norms is important for ensuring you maintain as much respect for the local people and culture as possible. When you study abroad, you may not only have to let go of some of your norms, but you also might have to take on new ones.

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What would make a good representative?

‘Good’ representatives have been broadly conceived as either ‘delegates’ reflecting constituent concerns or as paradoxical given the multiple and competing demands. Fundamentally, democratic representation is characterised by regular free and fair elections, with citizens evaluating ‘good’ (and bad) representation.

Why do you want to be a class representative?

It improves the communication skills of an individual. It improves the decision making and problem solving skills of an individual. It gives birth to leadership and negotiation skills. It also helps in motivating an individual and he/she experiences self-worth.

What advice about manners would you give a foreigner visiting your country?

Originally Answered: What advice do you have for someone visiting your country for the first time? Spend, spend, spend, it will make you look rich and cool. also please don’t fight over the bill cause that will not make you look cool. respect its 200 years culture and don’t be noisy of course enjoy yourself!

Why do you want to spend a year abroad?

Studying abroad helps you to learn new languages, appreciate other cultures, overcome challenges of living in another country and gain a greater understanding of the world. These are all things that modern businesses look for when hiring, and such traits will only become more important in the future.

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Should you study the customs of other country before you visit?

Study the culture of your destination beforehand Doing a little research on the country you’re going to is a great way to prepare yourself for the cultural differences you’ll experience while traveling. These may seem like trivial things, but some cultures take these customs very seriously.

Why is culture important in hospitality?

Why Is Culture Important? A good culture fit between employee and employer is crucial to ensuring performance, satisfaction, and engagement. Therefore, communicating company culture should always be a key element in a hotel’s talent acquisition strategy.

What do you need to know before going to a foreign country?

Language. Communication is something we take for granted, but when you are in a foreign country you might not be able to walk right up to someone and express yourself… or ask for life’s essentials, like the bathroom, and beer. You’ll want to study and practice the language as much as possible before you go.

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What are the factors to consider when choosing a new country?

There are many factors that go into your choice of a new home country: climate, political stability, crime, proximity to the U.S. for a quick flight home, cost, language and customs, etc. Many people chose to expatriate to places like Panama, Costa Rica, Belize, or the Philippines for these reasons. 3. Taxes, insurance, and other nuts and bolts.

Is it hard to adjust to life in a foreign country?

Living in a foreign country can then become a truly life-altering experience. It is not as easy as it seems to adjust to life abroad. The process of making the transition from living like an expat to a more local life-style takes time. Culture shock is part and parcel of living abroad and hits all of us eventually.

When you enter the land that God is giving you?

When you enter the land that the LORD your God is giving you, do not imitate the detestable ways of the nations there. When thou art come into the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee, thou shalt not learn to do after the abominations of those nations.