What does it mean to tempt your fate?

What does it mean to tempt your fate?

Definition of tempt fate : to do something that is very risky or dangerous Race car drivers tempt fate every time they race.

What is an example of tempting fate?

Example sentences — Using a fake ID to get into a bar is really tempting fate. — As soon as you start talking about never getting sick, you’re tempting fate. — You’re really tempting fate riding your bicycle through traffic without a helmet.

What does it mean when someone says don’t tempt fate?

DEFINITIONS1. to say or to do something that may cause problems, or to cause your good luck to end. Don’t tempt fate by saying we can win. Synonyms and related words. To cause problems for yourself.

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What does it mean to tempt death?

It means that a person is taking unnecessary risks. Fate derives from the same root as “fatal” which refers to possible death or “fatality”. So, to “tempt fate” is to take risks that could endanger your life. Videos on the internet for example, show a great number of fails.

What does Tempting Faith mean?

Take a severe risk, as in It’s tempting fate to start up that mountain so late in the day, or Patrice thought driving that old car was tempting the fates; it was sure to break down.

Is Tempting Fate real?

No one does drama quite like Lifetime and their upcoming movie, Tempting Fate, is sure to serve up some salacious moments. Tempting Fate is based on a fictional novel of the same name by Jane Green and will surely lure fans in with a story about, well, temptation in a relationship.

Where is tempting fate from?

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tempt fate, to. To expose to danger, to risk something. This expression dates from about 1700, when it replaced the earlier to tempt fortune. It appeared in John Dryden’s translation of one of the satires of Juvenal (1693): “Thy Perjur’d Friend will quickly tempt his Fate.”

What is fate simple?

1 : a power beyond human control that is believed to determine what happens : destiny It was fate that brought them together. 2 : something that happens as though determined by fate : fortune She stood …

What happens in the end of Tempting Fate?

Elliott, meanwhile, breaks off his relationship with Trish, and finally decides to give his marriage to Gabby another chance. In the end, all parties work out an agreement that Gabby and Elliott will raise Henry, while Matt meets with them once in a while.

What does Tempting Fate mean?

tempt fate. 1. To do something that one knows is dangerous or likely to have a negative outcome. You’re really tempting fate by not taking your car in for service when all these dashboard lights are on.

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What does do you believe in fate mean?

According to the definition above, fate is a series of inevitable events. To believe in fate, you must believe or accept that you have no idea what is going on, but someone or something does.

What is the antonym of fate?

Wiktionary (3.40 / 5 votes)Rate these synonyms: fate(noun) Antonyms: fate(noun) Any one of the Fates. fate(noun) A personification of fate (the cause that predetermines events). fate(noun) Destiny (perhaps connotes death, ruin, misfortune, etc.).