What does mutual information represent?

What does mutual information represent?

3 Mutual Information. Mutual information is a quantity that measures a relationship between two random variables that are sampled simultaneously. In particular, it measures how much information is communicated, on average, in one random variable about another.

What is a random variable intuitively?

Intuitively you can think of random variable , as a reward associated with any event . Suppose you play a game where you throw a six-sided dice . Depending on the outcome of the dice you get a particular outcome , say if you get 1 you will get 1$ , similarly for other outcomes .

How do you find the mutual information between two variables?

The mutual information between two random variables X and Y can be stated formally as follows: I(X ; Y) = H(X) – H(X | Y)

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What is the joint mutual variation between two variables?

The Mutual Information between two random variables measures non-linear relations between them. Besides, it indicates how much information can be obtained from a random variable by observing another random variable. It is closely linked to the concept of entropy.

What is mutual information I X Y?

In classical information theory, the mutual information of two random variables is a quantity that measures the mutual dependence of the two variables. Intuitively, the mutual information “I(X:Y)” measures the information about X that is shared by Y.

When the base of the logarithm is 2 then the unit of measure of information is?

Explanation: When the base of the logarithm is 2 then the unit of measure of information is bits.

What do we use to represent a random variable?

A Random Variable is a set of possible values from a random experiment. The set of possible values is called the Sample Space. A Random Variable is given a capital letter, such as X or Z.

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What is the purpose of random variables?

Understanding a Random Variable In probability and statistics, random variables are used to quantify outcomes of a random occurrence, and therefore, can take on many values. Random variables are required to be measurable and are typically real numbers.

How is mutual information different from correlation?

Mutual information is a distance between two probability distributions. Correlation is a linear distance between two random variables.

What is mutual information in feature selection?

Mutual information is a measure between two (possibly multi-dimensional) random variables X and Y, that quantifies the amount of information obtained about one random variable, through the other random variable.

What is mutual information in image registration?

Mutual information (MI) is a basic concept from information theory, that is applied in the context of image registration to measure the amount of information that one image contains about the other. The MMI registration criterion postulates that MI is maximal when the images are correctly aligned.