What German words have an umlaut?

What German words have an umlaut?

u umlaut

Here are some words with the umlaut a
(Most of the time the ä sounds similar to the German e)
schön beautiful
die Löwen the lions
die Vögel the birds

How is the umlaut used in German?

German orthography is generally consistent in its representation of i-umlaut. The umlaut diacritic, consisting of two dots above the vowel, is used for the fronted vowels, making the historical process much more visible in the modern language than is the case in English: a – ä, o – ö, u – ü, au – äu.

What does Ö mean in German?

The letter o with umlaut (ö) appears in the German alphabet. It represents the umlauted form of o, resulting in [œ] or [ø]. The letter is often collated together with o in the German alphabet, but there are exceptions which collate it like oe or OE.

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What does Ü mean in German?

A glyph, U with umlaut, appears in the German alphabet. It represents the umlauted form of u, which results in [yː] when long and [ʏ] when short. The letter is collated together with U, or as UE.

How are umlauts pronounced?

Pronouncing the umlaut Ü The way to pronounce the Ü umlaut is by making the sound “ee” and pursing your lips as if you were whistling, almost completely shut. Your tongue must stay in the same place as when you say the sound “ee” and you should only change the shape of your mouth as if we’re saying “oo”.

How do you say J in German?

The German consonant ‘j’ is almost always pronounced in the same manner as the English ‘y’ sound that in words such as ‘yes’, ‘yellow’ or ‘yard’.

What does Õ sound like?

The [õ] sound is the nasal equivalent of [o], a deep sound, as if it were coming from the centre of the body. When pronouncing it, you let air out of your mouth and your nose at the same time. If you find it hard, you can start by saying [o] while pinching your nose closed.

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Do Germans use Ä?

In German, it is called Ä (pronounced [ɛː]) or Umlaut-A. In German dictionaries, the letter is collated together with A, while in German phonebooks the letter is collated as AE. The letter also occurs in some languages which have adopted German names or spellings, but is not a part of these languages’ alphabets.

How to pronounce the German umlauts?

Ä – make the sound “eh” or “ê” without gliding into the sound “ey”;

  • Ö – make the sound “ê” and purse your lips into an O shape;
  • Ü – make the sound “ee” and then purse your lips as if you are whistling;
  • How do you type the German umlaut?

    Hold down the alt key on your PC. The next step depends on the vowel and case you want for your umlaut. If you want a lowercase A with an umlaut, type the numbers 0228 on the keypad while holding down the alt key. If you want an uppercase A with an umlaut, hold down the alt key and type 0196.

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    Are umlauts used in only Germanic languages?

    Umlauts are used in many Germanic languages. E.g. fräulein in German and fröken in Swedish. As far as I know it’s still called an umlaut. Also umlaut has TWO meanings: the inflected vowel and the diacritical mark itself. Both are “umlauts”.

    What does the name umlaut mean?

    Umlauts are assimilations or vowel harmonies. This means that one of the sounds was changed to make another similar sound that is easier to say. For example, if we say two vowels with one in the front part of the mouth and the other in the far back of the mouth, it will require us to put more effort than if we pronounced them closer together.