What happened to Roslin Frey after the Red Wedding?

What happened to Roslin Frey after the Red Wedding?

Roslin is carried away at her bedding ceremony. During their wedding night, Edmure impregnates Roslin, and she later gives birth to a son – although Edmure remains a captive at the Twins.

Who was Robb supposed to marry?

Robb Stark and his mother, Catelyn, are at the Twins for the wedding of his uncle Edmure Tully to one of the daughters of Walder Frey. This marriage is a consolation prize of sorts — Robb was supposed to marry one of Lord Frey’s daughters, but broke his word and married Talisa instead.

Did Walder Frey marry his daughters?

↑ Lord Frey is known to have had at least 3 daughters, all married.

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Why did Bolton betray Stark?

Roose decided to betray Robb long ago, after the Lannisters defeated Stannis Baratheon at the Battle of the Blackwater, and was simply feigning loyalty this entire time, even as he was plotting the Starks’ destruction.

Why does Roslin cry at the wedding feast?

During the wedding, however, Roslin cries and at the bedding she is very frightened. During the wedding feast the Freys attack and kill or capture their guests. According to Edmure, Roslin knew of the plans for this and was forced to go along despite her apprehension, thus the reason for her tears.

Who is Roslin Frey in Game of Thrones?

Roslin Frey is the fifth daughter of Lord Walder Frey, head of House Frey. Her mother was Bethany Rosby, the sixth wife of Walder Frey, being the only daughter born of that marriage. In the television adaptation Game of Thrones she is played by Alexandra Dowling.

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How beautiful is Roslin Frey?

Unlike the majority of Lord Walder’s brood, Roslin is quite beautiful. Robb Stark undertook to marry one of Lord Frey’s daughters (not specifically Roslin) as a part of the pact between him and the Freys, but he breached the agreement by marrying Talisa Maegyr instead.

When does Edmure meet Roslin at the wedding?

Edmure does not meet Roslin until she is unveiled at the wedding. Having seen Walder’s other daughters, Edmure was shocked and relieved to see Roslin at last.