What happens if the Sorting Hat cant choose?

What happens if the Sorting Hat cant choose?

A Hatstall is when the Sorting Hat stumbles on a person and is stuck and doesn’t know where to put him for more than 5 minutes. Minerva McGonagall was a hatstall as the Hat spent 5 minutes deciding whether to put her in Gryffindor or Ravenclaw. After 5.5 minutes, the hat decided on Gryffindor.

Why did the Sorting Hat think Harry should be in Slytherin?

Harry Potter being sorted The Sorting Hat appeared to have a difficult time in the sorting of Harry Potter. It suggested that Harry would have great fame and glory by joining Slytherin House, as Harry possessed Slytherin qualities such as cunning and determination. Harry requested specifically to be spared that fate.

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Has the Sorting Hat made a mistake?

Rumors have run rampant for years that there are 7 mistakes made by the Sorting Hat in the Harry Potter franchise, but creator J.K. Rowling maintains that the Hat never made a mistake. Fans have long speculated about the possibility, and Seamus Finnegan, surprisingly, rarely comes up in those discussions.

Was Harry’s hat stalled?

Harry Potter was a Hatstall. The Sorting Hat found he could do well in either Slytherin or Gryffindor. The Sorting Hat sometimes took the student’s personal preference into consideration in order to break such a tie.

What if Harry chose Slytherin?

Plot-wise, having Harry be in Slytherin would have resulted in Dumbledore being much more aware of his connection to Voldemort. Harry’s determination to face Voldemort wouldn’t have changed if he had been in Slytherin because it wouldn’t have changed the fact that Voldemort killed his parents.

Do Fred and George look different?

Fred has a more round face, his features not as defined as George’s. On George’s face, you can clearly see his cheekbones and in a way, George’s face is ‘skinnier’ looking. Fred’s facial features are less defined than George’s. Second, the way their hair is styled.

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Why did Harry Potter choose Gryffindor instead of Slytherin?

The Sorting Hat took his preference into account and picked Gryffindor instead. Dumbledore made sure to remind Harry that he possessed many traits of Slytherins. This goes to reiterate the notion that most people possess traits from more than one Hogwarts House in Harry Potter. Kara Hedash is a features editor and writer for Screen Rant.

Why were Fred and George Potter in Gryffindor?

As early as teenagers, Fred and George had a longterm goal for their future, and through hard work (and monetary help from Harry), they became hugely successful. Fred and George’s values align with Slytherin house almost perfectly, even at a young age. It’s incredible the Sorting Hat placed them in Gryffindor instead.

What house is Slytherin in Hogwarts?

Slytherin, along with Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, and Ravenclaw, make up the four Houses of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. The Sorting Hat has the ability to pick which House a new student should belong to.

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What are some of the most notable people sorted into Slytherin?

Other notable names that were sorted into House Slytherin included Merlin, Bellatrix Lestrange , Dolores Umbridge, and Draco Malfoy. The most notable Slytherin would certainly be Tom Riddle, the boy who later became Lord Voldemort.