What happens if you open a Coke underwater?

What happens if you open a Coke underwater?

Basically, carbonated drinks like seltzer or soda get their fizz from dissolved carbon dioxide. When you open the can or bottle, you expose the liquid to pressure imbalance (i.e. the pressure outside of the container is lower than the pressure inside it).

What happens if you get too close to a submarine?

If the hull brushes against you then one way or another you will probably die. On one hand, if you are near the lower end of the boat and sufficiently close enough to the hull, you might get sucked and stuck to a sea water strainers for one of the many sea water pumps. If that happens you’ll probably die.

What would cause a submarine to implode?

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So in short, implosions are caused by having a greater pressure on the outside of an object than on the inside. But if part of it breaks, the water will rush in, and if it tries to rush in quickly enough, it will make the submarine collapse, or implode.

Why does Coke not fizz in a submarine?

You don’t have to go that deep. Soda is perceived as flat in saturation chambers below 33 feet. there isn’t THAT much pressure in a soda bottle. BTW, submarines are kept with normal surface pressure on the inside of the pressure hull where the people stay.

Can you drink a bottle of Coke underwater?

No, it is not possible to drink bottle of water under water.

Can a submarine dodge a torpedo?

It is possible for the firing platform—the submarine that fired the torpedo—to enter the kill box during a torpedo attack. During wargame exercises, submarines have crossed into their own kill boxes while evading counter-fire torpedoes.

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Can you dive from a submarine?

Scuba divers can work at 100 meters if the are very cautious rising to the surface. At 150m depth, 99\% of light has been absorbed by clear seawater. A nuclear submarine can dive to a depth of about 300m. The average depth of the world’s oceans is 3,790 meters, or 12,400 feet, or 2 1⁄3 miles.

What happens to a submarine below crush depth?

If a submarine goes below their crush depth, eventually the pressure is beyond what the hull can handle and the submarine breaks open. The pressure wave immediately killes everyone onboard and the submarine sinks to the bottom.