What happens if you take laxatives after binging?

What happens if you take laxatives after binging?

Laxative abuse can do other damage to your health. It can result in the loss of important minerals and electrolytes like sodium, potassium or magnesium. As a result, your muscles, nerves and organs may not work properly.

How can you tell if someone is using laxatives?

Signs and Symptoms of Laxative Abuse Recurring bouts of chronic constipation and diarrhea. Gastrointestinal disturbances, such as chronic bloating, heartburn, and gas. Tremors and spasms. Cramping and/or shaking muscles.

How much weight will I lose if I take a laxative?

Water loss from laxative use is temporary and is not the same as losing body fat. Laxatives do not reduce body weight in the long term. Laxatives have several potential side effects, including diarrhea and dehydration. Eating a nutritious diet and exercising regularly may help a person reach their desired weight.

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Do laxatives remove calories?

Laxatives don’t stop your body from absorbing calories or from gaining weight. The food you eat goes through lots of processes before it reaches your bowel and becomes stool. Your body absorbs calories, fat, and most nutrients before they get to the large intestine.

Can you take water pills and laxatives at the same time?

People who take concurrent non-potassium-sparing diuretics and laxatives were found to have a two-fold increased risk of cardiovascular mortality compared with non-users.

How long is considered laxative abuse?

People who have anorexia with purging behaviors also abuse laxatives. People who use laxatives for purging themselves have often been suffering for a long time, about ten years on average.

Are laxatives really as bad as people think?

They are not what most people think. I take laxatives every day and am empty 90\% of the time. Every time I eat, about 10-20 minutes later the food will come out completely undigested. When I take laxatives, my body does not even digest food and take in the calories.

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What is laxative abuse and how can it be treated?

Laxative abuse occurs when a person attempts to eliminate unwanted calories, lose weight, “feel thin,” or “feel empty” through the repeated, frequent use of laxatives.

How does laxative abuse cause water weight?

Instead, laxative abuse causes the loss of water, minerals, electrolytes, and indigestible fiber and wastes from the colon. This “water weight” returns as soon as the individual drinks any fluids and the body re-hydrates. If the chronic laxative abuser refuses to re-hydrate, they risk dehydration,…

What is laxative dependency?

Laxative dependency occurs from overuse, and can cause the colon stops reacting to usual doses of laxatives so that larger and larger amounts of laxatives may be needed to produce bowel movements.
