What house would Argus Filch be in?

What house would Argus Filch be in?

Argus Filch is the Hogwarts caretaker….

Argus Filch
Affiliations Hogwarts, Inquisitorial Squad
Hogwarts House None
Wand None
Special Abilities No known special abilities

What houses would the Dursleys be in?

Looking at the most prominent muggle characters of the series, here is their most likely Hogwarts House placement.

  • 5 Tom Riddle Sr – Slytherin.
  • 6 Frank Bryce – Gryffindor.
  • 7 Aunt Marge – Slytherin.
  • 8 Dudley Dursley – Hufflepuff.
  • 9 Petunia Dursley – Slytherin/Hufflepuff.
  • 10 Vernon Dursley – Slytherin.

Which Hogwarts house is the most caring?

Arguably the most lovable of the Hogwarts houses, thanks to their kind and caring nature, Hufflepuffs would most likely be suited to other Hufflepuffs or to Gryffindors. Hufflepuff-Hufflepuff relationships could be incredibly loving, with excellent communication and a strong sense of commitment.

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Is Argus Filch in Slytherin?

Because of this, Filch was never sorted into a Hogwarts House, and technically has no affiliation with one. However, it’s generally assumed that Filch would have been in Slytherin, had he been born a wizard.

What Hogwarts house was Barty Crouch Jr in?

Barty Crouch Junior’s Hogwarts house has never been stated in canon so we don’t really know. He obviously became a devoted Death Eater, which many see as him being a likely Slytherin, but his father also claimed Crouch Junior received 12 O.W.L.s, which would be more more likely from a Ravenclaw.

What house was Gilderoy Lockhart?

Ravenclaw house
Sorted into Ravenclaw house, Lockhart was soon achieving good marks in his schoolwork, but there was always a kink in his nature that made him increasingly unsatisfied.

What Hogwarts house is Brie Larson in?

“Gryffindor, duh.” #BrieLarson https://t.co/2imiqhPTw5″ / Twitter.

What is Mr Beast Hogwarts house?

Hogwarts. Put some celebrities/youtubers and what you would think there Hogwarts house would be. Mr. Beast Hufflepuff.

What is the 2nd best Hogwarts house?

Ranking of Hogwarts Houses

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Gryffindor 2nd place bravery, determination, chivalry, determination
Slytherin 1st place ambition, cunning, self-preservation, resourcefulness
Ravenclaw unknown intelligence, wit, individuality, wisdom
Hufflepuff unknown loyalty, kindness, modesty, fairness

What’s the worst house to be sorted in?

Often considered the least desirable of all the sorting options, here are some reasons why Hufflepuff house is the worst. Updated November 22nd, 2020 by Ian Goodwillie: While the Hufflepuffs are endearing in their own special way, the reasons they are the worst are almost too innumerable to count.

Why does filch call Mcgonagall mom?

The confusion for audience members who have only watched the movies lies in Filch’s dialect; although “ma’am” rhymes with “ham” in Standard American English, in some dialects of British English is rhymes with “farm.” Furthermore in some dialects of British English “r”s are deleted, so that pronouncing “ma’am” to sound …

What are the houses of Hogwarts in Harry Potter?

in Movies and TV 692 Shares Knowledge of the Harry Potter series ubiquitous; everyone knows the four Hogwarts houses of Ravenclaw, Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, and Slytherin. One of the major reasons this fantasy world is so popular is so many people could relate to J.K. Rowling’s characters.

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What did Filch do in the Battle of Hogwarts?

Filch helped the students evacuate during the Battle of Hogwarts in 1998 and participated in the battle himself. He kept his job of caretaker after the Second Wizarding War. Filch was also the only one of the Hogwarts staff to stay at Hogwarts Castle during the summer holidays.

How did Harry Potter and Ronald Weasley get on Filch’s wrong side?

On their very first morning at Hogwarts, 2 September, 1991, Harry Potter and Ronald Weasley managed to get on Filch’s wrong side. Filch found them trying to force their way through the door of the out-of-bounds corridor on the third floor.

What are the names of the Hogwarts faculty?

Hogwarts Faculty Founders Godric Gryffindor | Helga Hufflepuff | R Headteachers Eupraxia Mole | Vulpus | Phyllida Spore Deputy Heads Minerva McGonagall | Amycus Carrow | Ale Heads of House Filius Flitwick | Minerva McGonagall | H Teaching Staff Bartholomew | Bathsheda Babbling | Herbe