What IQ do I need to be a programmer?

What IQ do I need to be a programmer?

In 2002 Robert M Hauser published a paper titled “Meritocracy, Cognitive Ability, and the Sources of Occupational Success” where a survey also revealed that programmers range from an IQ of 95-128 with the majority being above average but none from his survey having genius-level IQ score (140+).

Does coding improve IQ?

Coding and programming has become a much-needed skill and it helps the brain develop as well. Coding exercises can activate the brain’s learning centres. It can improve our memory, problem-solving skills and cognitive skills as well.

What is the average IQ of a computer science major?

Since they’re all so incredibly different, the various types of occupation often don’t get compared to one another. Until now (cue suspenseful music interlude )….Engineer vs engineer: Who has the higher IQ?

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Average IQ Profession
128.5 Computer Science
128 Economics
127.5 Chemical engineering
127 Material Science

Do you need good IQ to be a competent programmer?

Yes, you do need good IQ to be a competent programmer, despite what the techie populists say. Ideally, you should be able to solve programming problems on a whiteboard, without the help of intellisense, libraries, frameworks and automation tools.

Can anyone become a good programmer?

Anyone can become a programmer. Not everyone can become a GOOD programmer, or even a competent one. Even fewer can become an exceptional programmer. It’s not just practice. I’ve put far more than the 10,000 hours required to master a skill into learning to play Guitar, but I still suck.

What is the average IQ of a C++ programmer?

The IQ range was from about 120 to 150+ (IQ tests get inaccurate at high scores), with permanent staff tending to be at the low end and contractors (and particularly C++ programmers, I’m pleased to say) being at the high end.

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Do programmers self-assess their IQs?

The HR department soon realised that the whole concept of self-assessment for programmers was pretty lethal (we also wasted a lot of time mailing them about technical errors in the the programming tests) but in the meantime we managed to produce a profile of the IQs of a hundred or so techies.