What is 1 less than the smallest 3 digit number?

What is 1 less than the smallest 3 digit number?

so, one less than smallest 3digit number is 99……

Which is the smallest number 1?

Answer: zero (0) is the smallest one-digit whole number and one(1) is the smallest one-digit natural number.

What is the greatest 3 digit number 1?

The smallest 3-digit number is 100 and the largest 3-digit number is 999.

When 1 is added to the smallest 3 digit number we get?

If 1 is added to 99 (greatest 2-digit number), we get 100 (smallest 3-digit number). If 1 is added to 999 (greatest 3-digit number), we get 1000 (smallest 4-digit number).

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What is a smallest 3 digit number?

Smallest three digit number in the number system = 100 = 100 – 1. = 99 (which is a 2 digit number) Hence it is proved that 100 is the smallest three-digit number.

What is the smallest 3 digit number answer?

100 is the smallest 3-digit number and 999 is the greatest 3-digit number.

What is the smallest 3 digit number?

The smallest 3 digit number in the number system is 100 because if 1 is subtracted from the number it becomes a 2 digit number which is 99 (a two-digit number). So 100 is the smallest 3 digit number in the number system. Hence it is proved that 100 is the smallest three-digit number.

What is the smallest number of digit?

The term digits are preferably used in computer science. In mathematics, these digits are said to be numerical digits or sometimes simply numbers. The smallest one-digit number is 1 and the largest one-digit number is 9.

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What is the smallest 3 digit?

What is the smallest 3 digit triangular number?

This is the Triangular Number Sequence: 1, 3, 6, 10, 15, 21, 28, 36, 45.

What is the smallest 3 digit number having all different digits?

Thus, 102 is the smallest 3-digit number with unique digits.

What is the smallest 3-digit number that can start with 0?

100 is the smallest 3-digit number and 999 is the greatest 3 digit number. A 3-digit number cannot start with 0. 10 tens make 1 hundred which is the smallest 3 digit number and 10 hundred make a thousand which is the smallest 4 digit…

What is the largest and smallest 3-digit number in the table?

Using the digits 7, 3, and 6, the largest number is 763 (digits in descending order) and the smallest number is 367 (digits in ascending order). Using the digits 4, 0, and 8, the largest number will be 840 but the smallest 3-digit number is 408 and not 048. Download FREE Study Materials Download FREE Concept E-book

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What is the smallest 3 digit number with a magnitude of -3?

If we define the smallest 3 digit number to be the smallest magnitude that can be represented with three digits, it’s 000. If we want to define “smaller” to mean -3 is “smaller” than any positive number, then you might say -999 (as long as you allow the ‘-’ sign to not contribute to the digit total)

How many three-digit numbers are there in all?

In the tens place and the one’s place, there can be any digit from 0-9. There is a possibility of 10 digits in the hundredth place and 10 digits in the unit’s place. Thus, there are 9 × 10 × 10 = 900 three-digit numbers in all. Therefore there are 900 three-digit numbers in all.
