What is a vague essay?

What is a vague essay?

Vague writing stems from writers that have the inability to express exactly what they want to say. Instead of directly and clearly describing key points, such an author would use generalizations, avoid specifics and concrete naming, and prefers to make broad judgments instead of providing detailed facts and evidence.

How do you focus your essay and respond to the essay prompt?

  1. Look for Key Terms in the Essay Question. You’ll rarely find an essay question that says ‘Hey, why don’t you just tell me whatever you happen to know about topic X.
  2. Develop a One-Sentence Response.
  3. Sketch out an Outline of Your Major Points.

What are some vague words?

Common vague expressions include:

  • and that kind of thing and stuff like that.
  • and that sort of thing and stuff.
  • and that type of thing and so on.
  • and things like that and this, that and the other.
  • and the like.
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What is vague sentence?

She has been vague about her plans for college. We had only a vague idea of where we were. I think I have a vague understanding of how it works. He longed in some vague way for something different. She felt a vague sense of uneasiness when she was around him.

How do you start an essay question?

This is the most common way to start an essay. Simply introduce your topic and why it matters. As an option, you can also include some of your essay’s sub-points or examples you’ll be using. It’s an introduction to your essay topic, not a thesis statement, so no need to go too heavy on your argument.

How do you break down an essay question?

Just remember to always:

  1. Identify key words and sections.
  2. Outline each key word and section in your own words.
  3. Rewrite the question based on your outline.
  4. Write the key ideas or ‘asks’ of the question in dot points.
  5. Answer the question!
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How do you narrow your focus in an essay?

The best way to narrow your topic is to apply a few of the old familiar question words, like who, what, where, when, why, and how. Eventually, you will see that the process of narrowing your research topic actually makes your project more interesting. Already, you’re one step closer to a better grade!

What is a vague answer?

1 : not clearly expressed a vague answer. 2 : not clearly understood or sensed They knew in a vague way what they wanted.

How do you correct vague sentences?

Circle the sentence in which the antecedent is unclear. A pronoun is vague when it’s unclear which noun the pronoun refers to. To correct a vague pronoun, replace the pronoun with its noun antecedent. Vague: As soon as Belinda saw Hannah, she waved hello. Corrected: As soon as Belinda saw Hannah, Belinda waved hello.