What is an example of oxymoron in Romeo and Juliet?

What is an example of oxymoron in Romeo and Juliet?

For instance, a true oxymoron occurs when Juliet says to Romeo in Romeo and Juliet that “Parting is such sweet sorrow.” Shakespeare has purposefully created this contradiction to capture the deeper truth of the simultaneous pain and joy of departing from a loved one—he’s trying to communicate that being separated from …

How does Romeo use oxymorons in this speech to communicate his feelings?

Why then, O brawling love, O loving hate…” This quote is spoken by Romeo after Benvolio advises him to forego his infatuation with Rosaline. Unable to overcome his obsession with Rosaline, Romeo has an emotional outburst, and he uses the oxymoron – “loving hate” to express his inner turmoil.

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What oxymorons does Romeo use to describe the conflict between his family and the Capulets?

This love feel I, that feel no love in this.” Oxymorons dealing with the fight – “O brawling love, O loving hate” – show Romeo’s ambivalent attitude toward the families’ animosity. He also uses oxymorons to describe how out-of-sorts he feels in his love toward Rosaline (“cold fire, sick health, still-waking sleep”).

How would you describe the feud between Montagues and Capulets?

They are sworn enemies and have been fighting for many years. The play opens with servants of each family starting an argument in the street. The fighting escalates, and although Benvolio (a Montague) tries to break it up, Tybalt (a Capulet) encourages the men to draw their swords.

How is the family feud in Romeo and Juliet oxymoronic?

The following are the oxymorons Romeo uses to describe the conflict between his family and the Capulets: “Bright fire, sick health, still- walking sleep.” The family feud is oxymoronic in it’s nature as both families hate one another. Yet, are loving towards their own family.

Which is an example of an oxymoron?

The most common type of oxymoron is an adjective followed by a noun. One oxymoron example is “deafening silence,” which describes a silence that is so overpowering it almost feels deafening, or extremely loud—just as an actual sound would.

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What does Romeo’s use of oxymorons say about him and or about the feud?

He uses contradictory terms to relate his pain regarding his love for a woman that will never love him back. Oxymoron describes his feelings toward the feud between his family and the Capulets. He cannot understand the feud, does not want to partake in the fighting, but cannot ignore his loyalty for his parents.

How old does Juliet have to be to get married?

Is Juliet too young to get married? In Act I, scene iii, we learn that Juliet will turn fourteen in a little more than two weeks, meaning that she’s thirteen during the events of the play. Legally, girls in Elizabethan England could marry as young as 12 with parental consent.

Why do the Capulets and Montagues hate each other?

In the prologue it says that the hatred between the two families is ancient. The Montague’s and Capulet’s hated each other, because their families have been at an ancient feud and they are just maintaining what their ancestors did. They hate each other because of the reason for the feud between them.

How would you describe the feud between the Montagues and Capulets?

Download Grammarly now. The feud between the Montagues and Capulets could be described as a vicious circle: the Montagues took revenge for what the Capulets did, the Capulets took revenge for that, et cetera.

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What is the origin of Romeo and Juliet’s feud?

Romeo is of House Montague and Juliet is a Capulet. We never learn the origin of the feud between the two families, but it pervades the play from the very first scene when servants from each house get into a fight.

What happened to Lady Montague in Romeo and Juliet?

Lady Montague, Romeo’s mother is less of a presence in the play than Juliet’s mother, but in the few scenes we see her, she appears to love her son deeply. When Romeo is banished, she dies of grief. Romeo, the son and heir of the Montague house, Romeo is 16 years old and falls in and out of “love” easily, until meeting Juliet.

Is the family love in Romeo and Juliet an oxymoron?

In a sense, the “family love” that fuels the hate between the families has that contrariness inherent in an oxymoron. Re-read Act I, scene i, lines 163–173 to get Romeo’s take on the nature of the feud. R and J find love in a sea of hate and it is hate that destroys their love. The Prince’s speech in the last act is also