What is an ogival wing?

What is an ogival wing?

The “ogival” wing form used on Concorde was an attempt to modify the optimum delta for greater efficiency at low speeds, particularly during take-off and landings. The built-in ability to increase its lift at high angles of attack enables the wing to delay the stall.

What does a delta wing look like?

A delta wing is a wing shaped in the form of a triangle. It is named for its similarity in shape to the Greek uppercase letter delta (Δ). Although long studied, it did not find significant applications until the Jet Age, when it proved suitable for high-speed subsonic and supersonic flight.

What is the straight line between the leading edge and trailing edge of an airfoil?

In aeronautics, the chord is an imaginary straight line joining the leading edge and trailing edge of an aerofoil. The chord length is the distance between the trailing edge and the point where the chord intersects the leading edge.

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What is straight tapered wing?

Straight Taper A second common approach to wing design is to use a simple tapered wing. On a simple tapered wing or “straight-tapered” wing, both the leading and trailing edges are formed by a single straight line. The tip chord is smaller than the root chord, giving the wing a trapezoidal planform.

What is compound delta wing?

In a compound delta (or double delta, or cranked arrow) the inner part of the wing has a very sharp angle, while the outer part has a wider angle, which makes it look like a thin and then fat triangle. This helps the pilot control the lift, reduce drag, and land better.

What is a rectangular wing?

Rectangular Wing It is a non-tapered, straight wing that is mostly used in small aircrafts. This wing extends out from the aircraft’s fuselage at right angles (approximately). A good example of an aircraft where a rectangular wing was used is the Piper PA 38.

Why wings are swept back?

Swept wings, however, are designed to reduce turbulence by slowing down the air as it moves across the surface of the wings. As previously mentioned, swept wings are longer than straight wings. Therefore, air moves more slowly across them, which reduces the amount of turbulence the airplane encounters.

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What is the top of a wing called?

trailing edge
The front of the wing (at the bottom) is called the leading edge; the back of the wing (at the top) is called the trailing edge. The distance from the leading to trailing edges is called the chord, denoted by the symbol c.

What is the most effective wing flap design?

Slotted flaps are popular on modern aircraft because they are the most efficient type of flaps on the market; they provide the most combination of lift and drag in terms of aerodynamics. A slotted flap increases in airplane’s wing camber, which means that the curve of the leading edge to the trailing edge rises.

What is the leading and trailing edge of a wing called?

The top view shows a simple rectangular wing geometry, like that used by the Wright brothers. The front of the wing (at the bottom) is called the leading edge ; the back of the wing (at the top) is called the trailing edge. The distance from the leading to trailing edges is called the chord.

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What was the first plane with a swept leading edge?

The Douglas DC-3, which first flew in 1935, had a wing with a slightly swept leading edge (and a straight trailing edge). (NASM (75-11812)) The idea was always more theoretical than practical.

What is the effect of trailing edge sweep on wing chord?

If we look at the particular influence of trailing edge sweep, it is mostly found in the effectiveness of flaps and ailerons. Their effectiveness is proportional to the cosine of hinge line sweep. However, flaps at the end of a long wing chord will create a high pitching moment, requiring a big tail.

What is the difference between leading and trailing edge sweep?

Both leading and trailing edge sweep help to reduce compressibility effects. For simple estimates, quarter chord sweep is used. This is more influenced by the leading edge, but the trailing edge is still involved with 25\% of the total value.