What is an out of area operation?

What is an out of area operation?

adjective. (of a military operation) conducted away from the place of origin or expected place of action of the force concerned. ‘The United States’s first intervention in the Middle East was also the first time NATO committed troops were withdrawn for out-of-area operations.

What are NATO operations?


Date Operation
16 October 2001 – 9 November 2016 Operation Active Endeavor
20 December 2001 – 28 December 2014 International Security Assistance Force
8 October 2005 – 9 February 2006 Pakistan earthquake relief
17 August 2009 – 15 December 2016 Operation Ocean Shield (Resolution 1838 and 1950)

What are three areas in the world that NATO currently has operations or missions?

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Today, over 140 000 military personnel are engaged in NATO missions around the world, successfully managing complex ground, air and naval operations in all types of environment. These forces are currently operating in Afghanistan, Kosovo, the Mediterranean, off the Horn of Africa and in Somalia.

What is an example of what NATO does?

Furthermore, NATO is assisting with the response to the refugee and migrant crisis in Europe and has Patriot missiles and AWACS aircraft deployed in Turkey. It also carries out disaster relief operations and missions to protect populations against natural, technological or humanitarian disasters.

What is the out of area problem for NATO?

Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait moved NATO’s out-of-area problem from a subordinate position to the primary threat facing the alliance. The dilemma for NATO is the lack of a unified approach to the out-of-area problem. NATO’s boundaries are boundaries of obligation and not boundaries of confinement.

What is NATO and what is its purpose?

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The North Atlantic Treaty Organization or Atlantic Alliance (NATO) is an international political and military organization with the aim of guaranteeing the freedom and security of its members through political and military means.

What is NATO stand for?

North Atlantic Treaty Organization
NATO/Full name
1. An International Security Hub: The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) is one of the world’s major international institutions. It is a political and military Alliance of 28 member countries from Europe and North America.

How are decisions made in NATO?

NATO decisions are taken on the basis of consensus, after discussion and consultation among member countries. A decision reached by consensus is an agreement reached by common consent and supported by each member country. It is this decision-making process that gives NATO both its strength and its credibility.

What conflicts has NATO been involved in?

NATO’s first military intervention in a conflict took place in Bosnia from 1991 to 1995. Since then, NATO has been involved in several other conflicts, including Kosovo in 1999, Afghanistan in 2001, and Libya in 2011 (Ibid.).