What is example of descriptive text?

What is example of descriptive text?

Some examples of descriptive text include: The sunset filled the entire sky with the deep color of rubies, setting the clouds ablaze. The waves crashed and danced along the shore, moving up and down in a graceful and gentle rhythm like they were dancing.

What is a descriptive paragraph?

A descriptive paragraph is a focused and detail-rich account of a specific topic. Paragraphs in this style often have a concrete focus—the sound of a waterfall, the stench of a skunk’s spray—but can also convey something abstract, such as an emotion or a memory. Some descriptive paragraphs do both.

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What do you write in a descriptive paragraph?

The 125 Descriptive Essay Topics for each and Every Struggling Student

  • My favorite place in my hometown.
  • A room that is favorite my house.
  • Your house I spent my youth in.
  • My perfect vacation.
  • I wish I lived for the reason that home.
  • My perfect space.
  • The area I would like to see.
  • My dream apartment.

How do you write a descriptive?

7 Tips for Writing Descriptive Sentences

  1. Cut out obvious descriptions.
  2. Use surprising words.
  3. Remember sensory details.
  4. Make use of figurative language.
  5. Think about who is doing the describing.
  6. Be wary of over-description.
  7. Read good examples of descriptive writing.

What makes a good descriptive writing?

Good descriptive writing includes many vivid sensory details that paint a picture and appeals to all of the reader’s senses of sight, hearing, touch, smell and taste when appropriate. Good descriptive writing uses precise language.

How do you write a good descriptive paragraph?

How do you start off a descriptive essay?

The introduction to the descriptive essay should set the scene and introduce the reader to the subject. Use the list of sensory details to describe the subject. Have a strong opening line that grabs the reader’s attention. Then, end the introduction with your thesis statement.

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How do you start a descriptive essay?

What are some tips on writing a good descriptive paragraph?

Choose a Meaningful Object. Before you can write a great description,you must be extremely familiar with the subject of your description.

  • Make Unique Observations. The descriptive writer’s first job is that of observer.
  • Engage the Senses. You experience your world through an array of senses.
  • Include Figurative Language.
  • Form a Pattern.
  • Why would someone write a descriptive paragraph?

    Descriptive paragraphs are often used to describe what a place or an object person looks like, or what a person looks and acts like. Therefore, a good descriptive paragraph provides the reader with an accurate mental picture of the topic of the paragraph whether it is a person, a place or an object.

    What are some good samples of descriptive paragraphs?

    5 Examples of How to Write a Good Descriptive Paragraph “A Friendly Clown” “On one corner of my dresser sits a smiling toy clown on a tiny unicycle-a gift I received last Christmas from a close friend. “The Blond Guitar” “My most valuable possession is an old, slightly warped blond guitar-the first instrument I taught myself how to play. “Gregory” “Gregory is my beautiful gray Persian cat.

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    What are the characteristics of a descriptive paragraph?

    The depiction is done by involving the five senses.

  • Give a picture of an object,place or atmosphere.
  • Provide an explanation of the object being described.
  • It has a purpose so as if the reader can come to hear,see,and feel what is described by the writer himself.