What is fatal violation?

What is fatal violation?

Once a candidate does worse than another candidate on the highest ranking constraint distinguishing them, it incurs a fatal violation (marked in the tableau by an exclamation mark and by shaded cells for the lower-ranked constraints).

What is optimality theory in language acquisition?

Optimality Theory has been very useful in the field of child language acquisition. The basic idea behind an Optimality Theoretic approach to child language acquisition is that children begin with one constraint ranking and adjust the hierarchy as they develop, resulting in what should be an adult grammar.

What are OT constraints?

A classic OT constraint can be regarded as a function from an input (in the case of markedness constraints) or an input/output pair (in the case of faithfulness constraints) to zero or more violation-marks. To say that a constraint is gradient or categorical, then, is to say something about this function.

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What is eval in optimality theory?

EVAL: the function that selects the optimal candidate(s) from the candidate set, based on the ranking of constraints.

What is the optimality theory animal behavior?

If an organism consistently uses more energy than it consumes, it will starve to death. This is the crux of the optimal foraging theory, the optimality model that predicts animal behavior based upon the balance of acquiring food and spending energy in the process.

Who introduced optimality theory?

Alan Prince
Optimality Theory was introduced in the 1990s by linguists Alan Prince and Paul Smolensky (Optimality Theory: Constraint Interaction in Generative Grammar, 1993/2004).

What is factorial typology in optimality theory?

In Optimality Theory, a set of grammatical constraints defines a space of possible languages. This space is called the FACTORIAL TYPOLOGY. This structure has a useful application in the study of variation: it imposes universal limits on the quantitative variation permitted by a constraint set.

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What is principle of optimality with example?

Principle of Optimality. Definition: A problem is said to satisfy the Principle of Optimality if the subsolutions of an optimal solution of the problem are themesleves optimal solutions for their subproblems. Examples: The shortest path problem satisfies the Principle of Optimality.

What is optimality condition?

The optimality conditions are derived by assuming that we are at an optimum point, and then studying the behavior of the functions and their derivatives at that point. The conditions that must be satisfied at the optimum point are called necessary.

What is harmonic bounding?

harmonic bounding (uncountable) (linguistics, Optimality Theory) A situation where one input-to-output mapping pair receives a set of constraint violations that is a proper subset of the set of constraint violations received by a different input-output pair.

What is knapsack problem in DAA?

The knapsack problem is a problem in combinatorial optimization: Given a set of items, each with a weight and a value, determine the number of each item to include in a collection so that the total weight is less than or equal to a given limit and the total value is as large as possible.

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Which of the following method uses principle of optimality?

The principle of optimality is the basic principle of dynamic programming, which was developed by Richard Bellman: that an optimal path has the property that whatever the initial conditions and control variables (choices) over some initial period, the control (or decision variables) chosen over the remaining period …