What is houris in Islam?

What is houris in Islam?

houri, also spelled huri, Arabic Ḥawrāʾ, plural Ḥūr, in Islām, a beautiful maiden who awaits the devout Muslim in paradise. The Arabic word ḥawrāʾ signifies the contrast of the clear white of the eye to the blackness of the iris.

What does the Quran say about martyrdom?

Quran 2:154 states: “Do not say regarding those who are slain in the path of God that they are dead; rather they are alive but you are not aware.” Quran 3:169 states: “Do not consider as dead those who are slain in the path of God; rather they are alive and well-provided for in the presence of their Lord.”

What is the concept of 72 Hoor?

The concept of 72 hoors is mentioned in Hadith – the sayings of Muhammad. According to Hadith, the messenger of God said, “Every one that God admits into the paradise will be married to 72 houries (wives) who are beautiful and virgins, with whom they can have eternal physical satisfaction “.

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What is the reward of Shaheed?

An incentive to be a Shaheed is found in the Hadeeth that states: “No one who enters Paradise will want to come back to the world and have anything on the earth except the ‘Shaheed. ‘. He will wish to return to the world and be killed ten times because of the honour he sees” (Bukhari and Muslim).

What’s the meaning of Shaheed?

Shahid, or Shaheed (Arabic: شهيد šahīd, plural: شُهَدَاء šuhadāʾ ; female: šahīda), originates from the Quranic Arabic word meaning “witness” and is also used to denote a martyr in Islam. The word shahid in Arabic means “witness”.

What is Yasir?

derived from Arabic يسر (yasira) “to become easy”, “to be rich”: “one who makes things easier”, “one who directs to the right path”, “one who goes against the tide”; related to Hebrew yashar “just, upright” Yasser (also spelled Yaser, Yasir, or Yassir; Arabic: ياسر‎, Yāsir) is an Arabic male name.

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What does the name Shaheed mean?

Muslim: from a personal name based on Arabic shahid ‘martyr’ (see the Qur’an 57:19) It is a title of honor accorded to those who have embraced death in the cause of Islam. The associated word shafid means ‘witness’.