What is New Zealands largest export industry?

What is New Zealands largest export industry?

International tourism expenditure increased 5.2 percent ($843 million) to $17.2 billion, and contributed 20.4 percent to New Zealand’s total exports of goods and services. Tourism is our biggest export industry, contributing 21\% of foreign exchange earnings.

What is New Zealand’s main import?

New Zealand imports mainly vehicles (13 percent), nuclear reactors, boilers, machinery and mechanical appliances (13 percent), fuels (10 percent), electrical machinery and equipment (8 percent), plastics (4 percent) and aircraft, spacecraft (4 percent).

What are New Zealands top 5 exports?

Exports The top exports of New Zealand are Concentrated Milk ($5.73B), Sheep and Goat Meat ($2.62B), Rough Wood ($2.31B), Butter ($2.29B), and Frozen Bovine Meat ($2.09B), exporting mostly to China ($11.1B), Australia ($5.7B), United States ($3.78B), Japan ($2.38B), and South Korea ($1.15B).

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What are NZ top 10 exports?

New Zealand’s Top 10 Exports

  • Meat: $5.6 billion (14.6\%) Wood: $2.9 billion (7.6\%)
  • Alcoholic beverages: $1.4 billion (3.8\%)
  • Machines, engines, pumps: $1.3 billion (3.5\%) Modified starches, enzymes: $1.1 billion (3\%)
  • Other food preparations: $876.8 million (2.3\%) Aluminum: $835.3 million (2.2\%)

What are New Zealands top 10 exports?

What are the top 10 NZ export products?

Top 10

  • Dairy, eggs, honey: US$10.6 billion (28.5\% of total exports)
  • Meat: $5.2 billion (14\%)
  • Wood: $2.9 billion (7.9\%)
  • Fruits, nuts: $2.5 billion (6.7\%)
  • Cereal/milk preparations: $1.6 billion (4.3\%)
  • Beverages, spirits, vinegar: $1.5 billion (4\%)
  • Fish: $1.1 billion (2.8\%)

What are NZ Top 5 exports?

What are the major imports and exports of New Zealand?

New Zealand Exports. It’s been based traditionally on exports from its very efficient agricultural system. The country exports mainly dairy produce, birds’ eggs, natural honey, edible products of animal origin (24 percent of total exports), meat and edible meat offal (14 percent), wood and articles of wood (7 percent), fruit and nuts,…

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What are the main products of New Zealand?

Whittaker’s There is a reason why this is at the top of our list: Whittaker’s chocolate is beyond sensational.

  • Lemon&Paeroa (L&P) When in New Zealand,it won’t take long to notice that L&P is a top soft drink.
  • Or How About a Combination of Whittaker’s and L&P? Mind blown! © Imgur
  • Anything with the All Blacks on it New Zealand loves its national rugby union team and “loves” is putting it mildly.
  • What does New Zealand import and export?

    Concentrated Milk. Exports of concentrated milk account for 12.7\% of the country’s total annual exports and New Zealand is the world’s biggest exporter with a 26.2\% share of a global

  • Sheep and Goat Meat.
  • Frozen Bovine Meat.
  • Raw Aluminum.
  • What is the traditional food of New Zealand?

    Traditional New Zealand dishes include lamb, pork and venison , salmon, crayfish, bluff oysters , whitebait, mussels, scallops, kumara (sweet potato), kiwifruit, tamarillo and pavlova.