What is Sharia and why is it important?

What is Sharia and why is it important?

It is the ideal law of God as interpreted by Muslim scholars over centuries aimed toward justice, fairness, and mercy. Sharia is overwhelmingly concerned with personal religious observance such as prayer and fasting, and not with national laws.

What are the principles of Sharia law?

The five major goals of the Sharia are the protection of sound religious practice, life, sanity, the family, and personal and communal wealth. The acknowledgement of sound local customs throughout the world is one of the five basic maxims of the Sharia according to all Islamic schools of law.

What is the Sharia law quizlet?

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Sharia law. It has been put in place by the Qur’an, the hadith and fatwas. It controls all human actions into 5 categories: obligatory, recommended, permitted, disliked or forbidden.

What are the objectives of Shariah?

2.1 The Objectives of Shariah (Maqasid Shariah) The aims of maqasid shariah is to benefit and protect the Ummah generally, and to discipline and structure the living in accordance with the Islamic values and principles as pronounced in the Quran and Sunnah.

Why do we still need the Sunnah to be a source of Islamic law?

Justification for using the Sunnah as a source of law can be found in the Qur’an. The Qur’an commands Muslims to follow Muhammad. Muslims believe that they can look at the way of life, or sunnah, of Muhammad and his companions to discover what to imitate and what to avoid. Much of the sunnah is recorded in the Hadith.

What is Sharia law what was its purpose quizlet?

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Which of the following statements best describes common law?

Which of the following statements best describes common law? Common law is derived from statutes and codes made by legislatures. Common law requires judges to base their decisions on prior cases. Common law is law that is the same or similar in all states.