What is the amount of memory that can be addressed by this computer if the processor has a data bus of 24 bits and an address bus of 32 bits?

What is the amount of memory that can be addressed by this computer if the processor has a data bus of 24 bits and an address bus of 32 bits?

Address Bus Size The size of the address bus determines how much memory the CPU can address directly. For example, a 20-bit address bus can access up to one megabyte (1MB); 24 bits reaches 16MB, and 32 bits can handle four gigabytes (GB).

How many bits are required in an address bus for a memory of 1024 bytes?

5 Answers. You need log2(n) bits to address n bytes. For example, you can store 256 different values in an 8 bit number, so 8 bits can address 256 bytes. 210 = 1024, so you need 10 bits to address every byte in a kilobyte.

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What is the maximum size of memory that can be addressed with 64-bit address bus and 8 bit data bus?

Limits of processors In principle, a 64-bit microprocessor can address 16 EiB (16 × 10246 = 264 = 18,446,744,073,709,551,616 bytes, or about 18.4 exabytes) of memory. However, not all instruction sets, and not all processors implementing those instruction sets, support a full 64-bit virtual or physical address space.

What will be the size of a memory that has 32-bit address?

One bit in the register can reference an individual byte in memory, so a 32-bit system can address a maximum of 4 gigabytes (4,294,967,296 bytes) of RAM.

How do I find the memory size of an address?

Step 1: calculate the length of the address in bits (n bits) Step 2: calculate the number of memory locations 2^n(bits) Step 3: take the number of memory locations and multiply it by the Byte size of the memory cells.

What is the maximum memory size that can be addressed directly in a computer which has a processor with 36 bit memory addresses?

64 gigabytes
The 36-bit physical addressing allows addressing up to 64 gigabytes of RAM, but only 4 gigabytes of that can be directly visible at any given time.

How many bits is a memory address?

Each address identifies a single byte (eight bits) of storage. Data larger than a single byte may be stored in a sequence of consecutive addresses.

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How many address bits are required to represent 32k memory?

2e10 = 1024, so you need 10 bits to address every byte in a kilobyte. Likewise, you need 20 bits to address every byte in a megabyte, and 30 bits to address every byte in a gigabyte. 2e32 = 4294967296, which is the number of bytes in 4 gigabytes, so you need a 32 bit address for 4 GB of memory.

How many bits of storage does a memory system contain if it has a 16k address space and is 8 bit addressable?

If each memory location holds one byte, the addressable memory space is 4 GB. Based on your input, 16k is the memory location with 8 bits(1byte) of data storage at each memory location. Hence the address bus length is 14 bits.

How many bits are in a memory address?

How many memory locations can be addressed?

Answer: It is 2^14 memory lacations can be addressed by a microprocessor with 14 address lines.

How is address bus size calculated?

So to work out the amount of addressable memory, we must multiply the number of addresses by their size.

  1. Total Addressable Memory = (2^address bus width) * Data bus width.
  2. IE a machine with a 16 bit Data Bus and 32 bit address bus would have.
  3. (2^32)*16 bits of accessible storage.
  4. or 8GB – Do the math yourself to prove it.

How much virtual memory can be address with 40 bit address bus?

It follows that a 40 bit address bus can address 1TB. Since 1TB is 1TB regardless of the system’s word size, a 40 bit address bus can address 1TB on a computer with an 8 bit, a 16 bit, a 32 bit, or any other word size. How much virtual memory can be address with 16 bit address bus?

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How many bits are needed to address a 64Mb memory?

64MB = 67108864 Bytes/4 Bytes = 16777216 words in memory, and each single word can thus be addressed in 24 bits (first word has address 000000000000000000000000 and last has address 111111111111111111111111). Also 2 raised to 24 = 16777216, so 24 bits are needed to address each word in memory.

What is the size of an address bus in a computer?

If you have a byte-addressable memory (i.e every byte in the memory has an address) and an address bus of size 12 (i.e 12 wires in the address bus or 12 bits in the Memory Address Register). How much maximum RAM can you support? If there are just 2 bits in the address, then there can only be 4 addresses, viz.

How many bytes are in a 1TB bus?

1TB is 240 bytes. It follows that a 40 bit address bus can address 1TB. Since 1TB is 1TB regardless of the system’s word size, a 40 bit address bus can address 1TB on a computer with an 8 bit, a 16 bit, a 32 bit, or any other word size.