What is the best quote for love?

What is the best quote for love?

Short Love Quotes

  • “Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.” –
  • “You call it madness, but I call it love.” –
  • “We can only learn to love by loving.” –
  • “A life lived in love will never be dull.” –
  • “Life is the flower for which love is the honey.” –
  • “All you need is love.” –
  • “True love stories never have endings.” –

What is the most beautiful quote about love?

So, here are 39 of the Most Beautiful Quotes About Love – Handpicked for You!

  • “A lifetime without Love is of no account.
  • “Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength while loving someone deeply gives you courage.”
  • “Being listened to is so close to being loved that most people cannot tell the difference.”
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What is the most romantic phrase?

Love Sayings for Budding Romance

  • Nothing truly ever made sense until you came into my life.
  • I’m much more ‘me’ when I’m with you.
  • Thinking of you keeps me awake.
  • Despite the fear and uncertainty, I want you to know that I love you, I’m here, and I’m willing to see all of it through as long as you’re by my side.

What are some cute sayings?

Cute Lil’ Happiness Quotes

  • Don’t worry, be happy. –
  • Hakuna Matata…
  • I smile because I have no idea what is going on. –
  • There is only one happiness in this life, to love and be loved. –
  • I’m not weird!
  • A smile is happiness you’ll find right under your nose. –
  • Smile!

What is beautiful caption?

Beauty Quotes

  • Beauty is power; a smile is its sword.
  • Let us live for the beauty of our own reality.
  • There is no definition of beauty, but when you can see someone’s spirit coming through, something unexplainable, that’s beautiful to me.
  • Real beauty is to be true to oneself.
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How do I express how beautiful she is?

Amazing Quotes to Tell a Girl That She Is Beautiful

  1. I call you beautiful, but you are more than amazing.
  2. Your beauty cannot be ignored, it is something unbelievable because it not only pleases my eyes but also warms my heart.
  3. Whenever I see you, I feel like I’m looking at the most beautiful angel on earth.

What are some cute sayings about love?

61 Cute Love Quotes To Spice Up Your Relationship 1. “Love is friendship that has caught fire. 2. “Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.”- Lao Tzu 3. “There is always some madness in love. 4. 5. 6. 8. 9. 10. 11.

What are some sweet love quotes?

50 Sweet and Romantic Love Quotes for Her “I have found the one whom my soul loves.” – Song of Solomon 3:4 “Just for you I give my heart; for years to come, ’til death do us part.” – Unknown “You’re nothing short of my everything.” – Ralph Block “My love I do give to you, more than words can explain. “I never had a moment’s doubt.

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What are some funny quotes?

Arthur C. Clarke. A bank is a place that will lend you money if you can prove that you don’t need it.

  • Daniel J. Boorstin. Everyone with telekinetic powers,raise my hand. All the things I really like to do are either immoral,illegal or fattening.
  • Laurence J. Peter. Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don’t mind,it doesn’t matter.
  • W. C. Fields.
  • What are cute quotes?

    When I saw you first time in my life,I feel you are the only one who I searching for in my entire life.

  • You are the ultimate source of my joy,whatever I do you motivate me to achieve it because I never want to see you sad.
  • Every time when I saw you my heart is overflow with happiness and when you saw me with your smile I totally lost my mind.