What is the observable universe made of?

What is the observable universe made of?

The Universe is thought to consist of three types of substance: normal matter, ‘dark matter’ and ‘dark energy’. Normal matter consists of the atoms that make up stars, planets, human beings and every other visible object in the Universe.

Is the universe ellipsoid?

The universe, however, may favor the ellipsoid. Italian scientists using data gathered by NASA’s WMAP probe say evidence points to the universe having a shape somewhat akin to an egg, rather than the expected round kernel of puffed cereal.

What portion of the universe is observable?

NEW YORK — All the stars, planets and galaxies that can be seen today make up just 4 percent of the universe. The other 96 percent is made of stuff astronomers can’t see, detect or even comprehend. These mysterious substances are called dark energy and dark matter.

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What percentage of the universe is observable?

Only five percent of the universe is visible. What is the rest made up of? The visible universe—including Earth, the sun, other stars, and galaxies—is made of protons, neutrons, and electrons bundled together into atoms.

What is the shape of the observable universe?

By definition, the observable universe would be a sphere. In that space marks the edge of the observable universe where the microwave background is from has been moving away from us at pretty much the same same speed in all dimensions.

Is the universe flat or sphere?

Currently the universe is almost perfectly flat. That makes the observable universe a sphere. No if ends or buts… If someone says something else they either are not applying standard cosmology, or they are confused about the question.

Why are some parts of the universe not visible to US?

Some parts of the universe are too far away for the light emitted since the Big Bang to have had enough time to reach Earth, and so lie outside the observable universe. In the future, light from distant galaxies will have had more time to travel, so additional regions will become observable.

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What is the distance to the edge of the observable universe?

Assuming the Universe is isotropic, the distance to the edge of the observable universe is roughly the same in every direction. That is, the observable universe has a spherical volume (a ball) centered on the observer.