What is the past tense of I play football?

What is the past tense of I play football?

Tenses and actions

Tense Example
Past simple I played football yesterday.
Past continuous I was playing football the whole evening.
Present Perfect I have just played football.
Present Perfect Continuous I have been playing football for 2 hours.

Was played or played?

both are past tense…but the first one got ” WAS”.. I played is the verb to play in the first person singular in the simple past tense. We use the simple past tense when we want to talk about an action that occurred in the past but also finished in the past.

Which tense is they play football?

Sentences change their meanings

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Tense Example
Simple Present I play football every week.
Present Progressive I’m playing football now.
Simple Past I played football yesterday.
Past Progressive I was playing football the whole evening.

What is a good sentence for football?

1) The crowd drifted out after the football game. 2) Try to fix the football game for Tuesday. 3) Football is a religion for these people. 4) We have formed a football team.

Did you play football yesterday identify the correct tenses?

You can read up about present perfect tense here. It should either be “I played football yesterday”, “I was playing football yesterday”, or “I have played football before”. The first sentence is in simple past tense and it simply means that you started playing football yesterday.

What tense is had played?

Past Perfect Tense. The PAST PERFECT TENSE indicates that an action was completed (finished or “perfected”) at some point in the past before something else happened. This tense is formed with the past tense form of “to have” (HAD) plus the past participle of the verb (which can be either regular or irregular in form):

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Can I say I was played?

So, “I played,” and “I was played” can both be correct, but you must be careful about which one you mean.

Is played grammar?

3 Answers. to have played merely is the past tense of to play . You can’t say to played , so you say to have played , using the perfect tense.

What tense is has been playing?

has been playing = verb (verbal phrase): present perfect continuous tense. has = auxiliary verb (followed by the past participle”been”). been = auxiliary verb (followed by the present participle “playing”).

What is the sentence pattern for I played football yesterday?

Answer: This is a past tense sentence.

What is the past tense of no longer play football?

The first sentence is past tense or preterit; it states a fact that started and finished in the past. So, you no longer play football because you did so when you were young. The second sentence is imperfect tense; it is generally used to set the scene before using the past tense.

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Is it correct to say “I like playing football” before or after?

“I like playing football” is the correct one. normally, after words such as: “stop”, “like”, “love”, etc. you have to use the -ing form of the verb that comes after. example: I love eating with my friends / I stopped attending school when I was 25

What is the difference between ‘to play’ and ‘to like playing’?

“Like playing” means you are actually doing it and liking it. Both. You have correctly identified a problem in English, which is some activities take the infinitive (to play) and some take the present progressive (playing). However, in some cases, for example, the one you offer above, both will be correct.

Is ‘playing’ a participle or a verb?

In the first sentence ‘playing’ is describing the pronoun ‘I’. ‘I’m’ is described by ‘how/what kind of/in what condition’ by ‘playing’ therefore ‘playing’ has been used as a participle in the sentence.