What is the posh Australian accent called?

What is the posh Australian accent called?

In Australia, this dialect is sometimes called Strine (or “Strayan”, a shortening of the word Australian), and a speaker of the dialect may be referred to as an Ocker.

Why do some Australians sound posh?

Even after Australia became independent of the British Empire in 1901, many people were keen to reduce their Australian accents and sound more posh and English. Private Schools in Australia taught students to use RP pronunciation as much as possible. Today, this means that there are three types of Australian accent.

Do Australians say posh?

South Australians are sometimes told they sound a bit posh, or a little more British than other Aussies. Like 30-year-old Adelaidean-turned-Melbournian, Jarrad Barrett. “I’d say I was from Adelaide and people would always say: ‘That’s why’.”

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Is it good to have a posh accent?

A study into accents and first impressions in recruitment found that candidates for a job were better off having a posher accent, being seen as more competent and more likely to be offered higher pay if they got the position.

Is there a Perth accent?

Most Western Australians speak with either a general Australian accent or a broad Australian accent. Those who grew up in suburban Perth typically speak with a general Australian accent, and those from regional areas (“from the country”) speak with a broad accent.

What are some Aussie slang words?

100 Australian Slang Words & Phrases

Aussie slang word/phrase Meaning
Bloody oath Yes! Or “That’s very true”
Bludger Someone who’s lazy
Bogan Someone who’s not very sophisticated
Booze Bus Police vehicle used to catch drunk drivers

Are posh accents favoured in the Australian context?

Monash University provides funding as a founding partner of The Conversation AU. UK researchers recently reviewed the hiring practices of 13 elite law, accountancy and financial companies, and found that applicants with posh accents were favoured over their working class counterparts. So, does a similar process hold in the Australian context?

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What kind of accent does Australia have?

The Australian urban middle-class accent, which would be classified as General, is quite a neutral and understated accent, and in its purest form, not unpleasant to listen to. Many middle-class Australians also have a tendency to speak in a slight drawl which further softens the accent.

Is there such a thing as a ‘ocker’ accent?

Alongside the general Australian accent, there emerged both a “cultivated” British-sounding Australian accent, and in reaction to that “posh” sound, a very broad “ocker” accent, Felicity says.

Do you have a fear of our accent?

The most common fear people have about our accent is that it’s becoming more Americanised. But Felicity says accents are remarkably resistant to change from factors such as the media, and as long as people want to be known as Australian, they will retain a distinctive Australian sound.