What should you not do in a novel?

What should you not do in a novel?

15 Mistakes to Avoid When Writing a Novel

  • Don’t write sporadically.
  • Don’t ignore story structure.
  • Don’t second guess yourself.
  • Don’t abandon your first novel.
  • Don’t pigeon-hole your process.
  • Don’t start off slow.
  • Don’t switch POV.
  • Don’t create flat characters.

What is the hardest part of writing a novel?

It’s sticking to it even when the first draft is inevitably terrible. But once I get past that, the hardest part of any novel to write is the start. Beginnings are incredibly hard because you have to accomplish so much—introduce characters, get the plot underway, and, in the case of fantasy, set up a bit of the world.

Should I rewrite my novel?

If you’re able to edit your book, fantastic, work hard to edit and make it the best it can possibly be. If there are too many structural issues for editing to fix, prepare to rewrite. Sit down and put the time in. But if it really can’t be saved, you need to move on.

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Does a fantasy novel have to have magic?

Can You Have Fantasy Without Magic? The simple answer to this question is: Yes, of course. The concept of fantasy books might be hard to define, but it doesn’t have to be. Fantasy is just things that are not real.

What motivated you to write a fantasy novel?

My motivation for writing a fantasy novel came from the unadulterated joy I experienced as a voracious young reader of fantasy novels. In school I would be scolded for reading underneath my desk while the class was supposed to be learning arithmetic. My mother, a reading teacher herself, helped nurture and feed my increasing appetite for new books.

What are the 5 clichés to avoid in a fantasy novel?

5 Clichés To Avoid In Your Fantasy Novel Cliché #1: Stereotypical characters Cliché #2: Oversimplified ‘good vs. evil’ dynamic Cliché #3: Setting – medieval, European-style monarchy Cliché #4: Contrived romance, including ‘instalove’ and love triangles Cliché #5: The all-powerful magical object

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What are the most common mistakes fantasy writers make?

A common mistake made by many fantasy writers is viewing their world and characters in clear-cut black and white, rather than blurry shades of grey.

Should you write fantasy in a ‘traditional’ setting?

Freed from the constraints of a ‘typical’ fantasy society, your story has potential for true originality – something that will make readers really sit up and take note. A ‘traditional’ fantasy setting can still work well if your story is original and engaging enough. Image credit: jonathansautter via Pixabay