What species can the Borg not assimilate?

What species can the Borg not assimilate?

Species 8472 couldn’t be assimilated, the borg nanoprobes just couldn’t assimilate life as complicated as theirs, but the nanoprobes were able to be altered to destroy them, when Species 8472 became far too dangerous.

What would happen if the Borg assimilate Q?

In short if the Borg somehow assimilated one they would immediately combine their powers and wipe said Borg Q from existence and might take the whole collective with it since the Borg have proved to be a credible threat to them by managing to assimilate a Q.

Why can’t the Borg assimilate Romulans?

But where does this Romulan fear of artificial life come from? It’s possible that the Romulans encountered the Borg millennia ago. While they were spared from assimilation due to some quirk of their biology, the incident gave them a strong aversion to working on any comparable technology.

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Can the Borg assimilate a changeling?

The beta canon of the novels has the Borg being unable to physically assimilate the Changelings, who can simply maneuver their molecules clear of the Borg nanoprobes.

Who can defeat Borg?

In fact, 8472 is one of the few species so advanced that its ships are able to destroy Borg cubes in seconds.

Who has defeated the Borg?

There, what was to be Starfleet’s last line of defense turned into a massacre — 39 starships destroyed by one Borg cube. The crew of the Enterprise-D eventually managed to sever Locutus from the Borg Collective, save Picard, and ultimately defeat the Borg. However, the memory of Locutus would forever haunt the captain.

What did the Borg always say?

The Borg have become a symbol in popular culture for any juggernaut against which “resistance is futile”, a common phrase uttered by the Borg.

Who were the first humans assimilated by the Borg?

The first humans assimilated by Borg were crew members of Picard’s Enterprise-E on April 5, 2063 (“Star Trek: First Contact”); after the Borg jumped back in time to prevent First Contact between Vulcans and Humans as a result of Cochrane’s first Warp flight, and Enterprise followed the Borg Sphere to prevent that.

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Did the Q Create the Borg?

Hurley was also the writer of “Q Who?” and the person who, basically, created the Borg. Again, at this point, the scariest thing about the Borg was their hivemind and their planet-scooping abilities. However, by the time TNG entered its third season, the writing staff had changed significantly.

Who invented the Borg?

Maurice Hurley

The Borg
Created by Maurice Hurley
Base of operations Delta Quadrant
Leader The Borg are one single mind which is sometimes represented by the Borg Queen

How many changelings are there?

(DS9: “The Ship”) The Admiral Leyton/Miles O’Brien Changeling laughingly remarked to Sisko that, including himself, there were only four Changeling agents in the Alpha Quadrant. (DS9: “Homefront”, “Paradise Lost”) Of the four three were dead: Krajensky (Changeling) in 2371 (DS9: “The Adversary”)

Can the Borg assimilate a founder?

The Borg can’t assimilate a Founder any more than you can punch fire.

How did Pandora come into existence?

During the creation of the Alpha Centauri system, Pandora came into existences as a large moon orbiting the gas giant Polyphemus. The left over debris from the creation of the system left very little room for the creation of other bodies. What much remains of Alpha Centauri is gas giants with several moons.

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What happened at the end of Avatar?

With more Avatar films on their way to theaters, you might need a bit of a refresher, so here’s the ending of Avatar finally explained. Avatar takes place in 2154. Humans have depleted the Earth’s natural resources and moved on to outer space, colonizing worlds like Pandora, a moon orbiting a gas giant in the Alpha Centauri galaxy.

How did the Borg assimilate the Borg drones?

Observations since that time demonstrated that the Borg assimilated an individual by projecting a pair of assimilation tubules into the victim’s neck, injecting nanoprobes into the bloodstream that began connecting the new drone to the hive mind. This was accomplished the moment a Borg drone was within arm’s reach of the target.

What is Pandora the Moon?

Pandora is the fifth moon of the gas giant Polyphemus (both are figures in Greek mythology), which orbits the closest star to the sun, Alpha Centauri A. Discovered by the first interstellar expedition in 2129, Pandora has been the single most interesting thing to happen to the human race in hundreds of years.