What spell killed Bellatrix How was she defeated by Molly?

What spell killed Bellatrix How was she defeated by Molly?

Get back! She is mine!” Bellatrix then started taunting Mrs Weasley over her son’s death, proceeding to laugh at Molly’s enraged response that the Death Eater “will never touch our children again!”. This provided an opening for Molly to strike Bellatrix with a curse that hit her straight in the heart, killing her.

Is Molly Weasley a powerful witch?

Lastly, Molly was a strong enough witch to hold her own as a member of the Order of the Phoenix, in the Battle of Hogwarts, and against Bellatrix Lestrange—whom she defeated. That’s a lot of points for Molly.

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Can you block the killing curse?

The Killing Curse was a conventionally unblockable curse; therefore shield charms would not be able to defend against it. However, one could dodge the green bolt, block it with a physical barrier, or by the use of Priori Incantatem.

What does Avada Kedavra mean in Latin?

ACCIO- The latin word accio means “I call” or “I summon”. AVADA KEDAVRA- I means “I destroy as I speak”, contrary to the Aramaic word abracadabra, which means,”I create as I speak”.

What was the curse that Molly used to kill Bellatrix?

Quora User, SRK fanatic and a Potter Geek (QuillProphecy172 on Pottermore) 🙂 The curse Molly used to kill Bellatrix was the Killing Curse. It was not a verbal spell so we can only infer what it could have been with the description in the book.

Did Molly use Avada Kedavra to kill Bellatrix?

No, we don’t know what spell did Molly use to take down Bellatrix, but it certainly wasn’t Avada Kedavra. Whatever spell she used, it didn’t disintegrate Bellatrix either. Avada Kedavra is a spell that kills instantly.

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What happened between Molly Weasley and Bellatrix Lestrange?

Molly Weasley, the matriarch of the Weasley family, and Bellatrix Lestrange, one of Lord Voldemort ‘s Death Eaters and described as his last, best lieutenant, engaged in the duel after the latter nearly killed Molly’s daughter, Ginny.

How does Bellatrix die in the book and movie?

In the film, Bellatrix is briefly immobilised, breathing in deeply with an expression of shock, and after being hit by another spell by Molly Weasley, explodes. In the book she just falls over, dead.