What to tell a girl how you feel about her?

What to tell a girl how you feel about her?

Take a deep breath and tell her how you feel.

  • “I like you.”
  • “I just wanted you to know that I like you.”
  • “Maria, I can’t keep pretending that I don’t have feelings for you. You’re too amazing not to have feelings for.”
  • “I love having you as my friend. But I’d like to make us more than friends.”

What to say when a girl asks if you have feelings for her?

If your crush asks if you like her, you might be feeling nervous, but it’s best to just come out and say it and be honest about your feelings. You can say something like, “Yea I do have a crush on you.” Then, ask her why she’s asking, which will help you get an idea of her feelings without being too direct.

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Why would a girl ask if I have feelings for her?

It could mean she likes you and wants to know if you like her back. It could mean she thinks you like her and doesn’t feel the same and wants to let you down gently. It could mean she gets an ego boost from people liking her. It means she could be self conscious and needs to know if anyone in this world likes her.

How do you answer what do you feel about me?

I wish I could draw that well!” Instead of a neutral answer like, “You’re always nice to everyone,” you can say, “You really go out of your way to be kind and compassionate to other people.” Use words that are specific and stand out as positive, like “talented” and “compassionate.” Try things like: “You’re fearless!

How you feel when you talk to your crush?

You might feel shy or giddy or maybe even shy and giddy all at once! Some people can’t remember what they want to say when they see their crush. They feel speechless, or tongue-tied.

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What to answer when a girl asks why do you like me?

Here are 12 sweet things to say to your boyfriend or girlfriend when they ask, “Why do you love me?”

  • “I love you because you are you.
  • “You are like sunshine itself, and I feel better when I’m with you.”
  • “I love how I feel when I’m with you.”
  • “You accept me for me.

How to ask a girl what do you think about her?

It really helps when you can have help in deciding what you should say to her in order to either turn her away from you or draw her closer to you. You can likewise ask a question in which both you are in and make it an open-ended question. Here is an example of what I said when I was asked this once by a girl. GIRL: “what do you think about me?”

Should I tell the truth to a girl I like?

You can likewise ask a question in whic If you don’t have a positive answer, don’t lie but be nice about it . I think you should tell her the truth, you shall not lie just to make her feel good. Trust me, if she has any respect for you or for herself she’ll understand that you are telling her the truth.

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Should I tell my girlfriend what I think about more often?

So tell girlfriend what you ARE thinking more often, she’ll probably learn to trust that you’re not holding back your important thoughts from her. Hearing a couple deep thoughts from the guy we love is very satisfying for us to hear. As for her believing that you can think about nothing— that might take a while!

What do girls like when you echo their questions?

Ladies like a person that is straightforward not a liar. I like to echo her question back at her to evaluate her answer and continue from that point. It really helps when you can have help in deciding what you should say to her in order to either turn her away from you or draw her closer to you.