What types of censorship exist today?

What types of censorship exist today?


  • Political.
  • State secrets and prevention of attention.
  • Religion.
  • Educational sources.
  • Economic induced censorship.
  • Self-censorship.
  • Copy, picture, and writer approval.
  • Reverse censorship.

Why is censorship important in schools?

Censorship is particularly harmful in the schools because it prevents student with inquiring minds from exploring the world, seeking truth and reason, stretching their intellectual capacities, and becoming critical thinkers.

Why is child censorship important?

With the advent of the Internet, children can easily access billions of webpages, images, and videos. A child can easily pick up any bad habit or principle off the Internet; the opportunities are endless. As a result, carefully censoring the Internet for children is a necessity.

What countries have no censorship?

On the bright side, there are countries like South Africa and Kenya where no Internet censorship is applicable.

Which country has the most Internet censorship?

With by far the largest and most sophisticated system of Internet censorship, China has become a model for a number of other countries, even exporting cyber surveillance technology to countries including Cuba, Zimbabwe and Belarus.

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What countries have Internet censorship?

North Korea. North Korea censors every aspect of the citizenry ranging from television and radio content to the activities in school.

  • Eritrea. Censorship in Eritrea stretches from the internet,the media,advertising,and even to speech.
  • Iran.
  • Syria.
  • Somalia.
  • Cuba.
  • Ethiopia.
  • Vietnam.
  • Saudi Arabia.
  • China.
  • Why Internet censorship is bad for everyone?

    Why Internet Censorship is Bad for Everyone. It is because they are a threat to the government’s accountability. This is a direct attack on the freedom of speech available to the entire world community. Censorship of any kind hampers the spirit of free speech and internet censorship is even more harmful because it is the biggest platform for sharing of information and ideas.