What would happen if something hit you at the speed of sound?

What would happen if something hit you at the speed of sound?

Anything exceeding the speed of sound creates a “sonic boom”, not just airplanes. An airplane, a bullet, or the tip of a bullwhip can create this effect; they all produce a crack. This pressure change created by the sonic boom can be quite damaging.

What happens if you hit something at the speed of light?

It travels at a steady rate of 186,282 miles (299,792 kilometers) per second. Even if it were physically possible to propel ourselves to such speeds (spoiler alert: it isn’t), as you gain the necessary momentum to match the speed of light, your mass would become infinite.

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How fast do you have to punch to break the sound barrier?

U.S. Navy For an airplane to break the sound barrier, it must hit speeds of about 770 mph — when it does that a couple of things happen.

Is it possible to punch faster?

Some people have more explosive muscles than others and therefore can generate faster punches. However, with practice and proper technique, you can increase your punch speed. Remember to warm up correctly and train with purpose in order to generate maximum speed.

How strong are Flash’s punches?

Let’s assume Allen’s hand weighs the human average of half a kilogram (roughly a pound), based on NASA calculations. “Say he hits Girder in 1/10th of a second,” Kakalios explained. “That’s about 2,000 newtons, about 450 lbs of force — so he’s hitting him with a force equivalent to 450 lbs.

Who is the strongest punch in the world?

Cameroon’s Francis Ngannou holds the record for the hardest punch recorded on the planet.

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What is the strongest punch ever recorded?

129,161 units
The current record for punching power, 129,161 units, is held by MMA fighter Francis Ngannou, who is also the reigning Heavyweight Champion in UFC. “That’s the hardest hit on the planet,” says Hall. It takes Hall a while to get the hang of the machine, and his early attempts land around the 91,000 mark.

Can you punch someone faster than the speed of sound?

No way. The Guinness Book of World Records has something like 70kmh as the fastest ever recorded punch (compared to about 1235kmh for the speed of sound).

How fast can a punch be thrown?

The Guinness Book of World Records has something like 70kmh as the fastest ever recorded punch (compared to about 1235kmh for the speed of sound). Now, assuming it were possible to throw a punch at that speed (and do so without a 100\% chance of obliterating your hand), would it be more effective than the mass…

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How fast does sound travel through the air?

In colder air, sound would travel a bit slower (331 m/s), and in heavier gases, like C02 or pure oxygen, it would travel between 259–316 m/s. This is really fast. Unless you’re Wonder Woman and can punch faster than a jet plane, then no. However, sometimes you will see a slight delay between the action and when you hear a sound.

What happens when an object surpasses the speed of sound?

When an object surpasses the speed of sound, the sound waves that had previously moved outward from the object in all directions are concentrated into a Mach cone that creates an enormous thump of…